400+ Hawaiian Names Ideas – Pick your favorite one

Are you looking for Hawaiian names ideas? Hawaiian names are derived from Hawaiian words. The first name of a Hawaiian person is taken from the name of the corresponding month in their birth order, while their last name is based on the family or clan.

Hawaii is mostly famous for its amazing beaches. The beaches are famous because of their different types of sand. You can find green, red, pink, and even black sand. Hawaii is a beautiful state in the Western United  States. It is located in the Pacific ocean.

Hawaii is also famous for its volcanoes. The 8 most popular Hawaiian islands are made up of 15 volcanoes. The largest dormant volcano in the world is located in Hawaii and it is known as Maui’s Mount Haleakala.

Surfing was first introduced in the waters of Hawaii. There are various interesting facts about Hawaii. For example, the Hawaiian alphabet only has 12 letters.

You can find different beaches with different sand colors, a huge amount of volcanos, great amount of coconut-based food in Hawaii.

The most famous landmark in Hawaii is Pearl Harbor National Memorial. The breathtaking sunset views from Hawaii will surely blow your mind. Hawaiian names are also very popular some of the common Hawaiian names are as follows Ailani, Aolani, Koa, Keilani, etc.

Tips to choose the most common Hawaiian names

In Hawaii, you will find some of the most breathtaking views. in this para, we will find some of the tips to choose the most common Hawaiian names. The most common names in Hawaii are the traditional ones. People believe in naming their child traditionally.

Some tips to choose the most common Hawaiian names are as follows.

  • Always go with names that are simple, easy, and can be pronounced by anyone.
  • The people of Hawaii believe that traditional names are the best names.
  • You will find some of the names that will work for both boys and girls, these types of names may confuse you but are very common in Hawaii.
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Hawaiian names for girls

Hawaiian names for girls

Hawaiian people love to name their children traditionally. Some of the Hawaiian names for girls are listed below.

Leilani Kaleah Halia
Alani Kalia Moana
Malia Kalea Oleen
Kailani Noelani Alonna
Kalani Alanis Alleyne
Ailani Luana Ohana
Alanna Melia Kaloni
Nalani Lani Oline
Keilani Ulani Anela
Maleah Kahlia Malea
Leylani Maleia Luane


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Hawaiian names for boys

Hawaiian names for boys

You will find some names in Hawaii that will work for both girls and boys. Some of the Hawaiian names for boys that will help you name your child are listed below.

Kalani Kanoa Kawika
Keanu Mahina Kimo
Kalea Makani Keoki
Noelani Iokepa Nohea
Keoni Keli’i Aloha
Kaleo Launi Kawai
Nakoa Mano Aukai
Makaio Iakona Alohilani
Kekoa Kauai Kaimi
Alleyne Analu Alekanekelo
Alaka’i Akamu Alekona


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Hawaiian names for dogs

Hawaiian names for dogs

If you want to gift your pet something special Hawaiian name will be the perfect gift for your dog. Some of the best Hawaiian names for dogs are listed below.

Leo Leonel Bjorn
Aria Raven Guadalupe
Leonardo Leonidas Adler
Eva Leandro Dilan
Arthur Dillon Rae
Leon Ander Jubilee
Ariel Leonard Jai
Colt Lionel Raleigh
Ari Yael Arie
Kaleb Randall Channing
Jay Roslyn Ralph


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Male Hawaiian names

Male Hawaiian names

The population of Hawaii is greatly distributed between males and females with 49.8% females and 50.2% males. Some of the best male Hawaiian names are listed below.

Hailama Kimo Nāinoa
Hale Kimokeo Nakoa
Hanalē Kimona Nālani
Hanalei Kini Nāmaka
Hauʻoli Koa Nāwai
Haʻaheo Kolomona Nehemia
Hekekia Koma Noa
Henelē Nohea
Hilo Kūaliʻi Nuʻuanu
Hiʻiaka Kuʻualoha Paulo


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Female Hawaiian names

Female Hawaiian names

As we told earlier the Hawaiian population is greatly distributed with 49.8% female and 50.2% male. There are a lot of names that can fit both males and females. Some of the female Hawaiian names.

Kapua Lilia Maile
Kapule Liliana Maka
Kaulana Lilinoe Makaleka
Kauʻi Loika Makalika
Kauʻilani Loka Makamae
Kawai Lokalia Makana
Kawailani Loke Makanui
Kawehi Lokelani Malaea
Kāwelu Luana Maleka
Kawena Luika Malia
Kaʻanāʻanā Luka Mālie


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Popular Hawaiian names

Popular Hawaiian names

Hawaii is mostly famous for its beaches volcanoes and its food. But there are a lot of popular names in Hawaii. Some of the most popular Hawaiian names are listed below.

Lahapa Kamala Palapala
Lāhela Kamalani Pane
Laka Kamalei Pauahi
Lanakila Kameāloha Peke
Lani Kamila Pele
Lea Kanaloa Pelekila
Lehua Kanani Piʻikea
Lei Kanoelani Piʻilani
Leialoha Kapeka ʻAukake
Leilani Kāpena Aukelenuiaiku
Leimomi Kapika Aloiki
Leinani Kapiʻolani Anekelea
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Long Hawaiian Names

Long Hawaiian Names

Each and every country has some of the longest names. Hawaiian names are so long because they add their parental surnames after their name.

ʻĀʻālona ʻAkoni Kimo
ʻEhu ʻAlapaki Kimokeo
ʻEkela ʻAlika Kimona
ʻEleakala ʻAnalū Kini
ʻElia ʻAnekelea Koa
ʻEnoka ʻApela Kolomna
ʻIkaʻaka ʻApelahama Koma
ʻŌpūnui ʻAukai Kuʻualoha


Cool Hawaiian Names

Cool Hawaiian Names

We talked a lot about various categories of names it is time for some of the cool Hawaiian names. Some of the cool Hawaiian names are listed below.

Lahapa Palapala Naiʻa
Lāhela Pane Nālani
Laka Pauahi Nāmaka
Lanakila Peke Nanea
Lani Pele Nani
Lea Pelekila Naomi
Lehua Piʻikea Nāpua
Lei Piʻilani Nāwai
Leialoha Leimomi Noelani


Beautiful Hawaiian names

Beautiful Hawaiian names

Each and every name is beautiful. Hawaiians prefer names that are simple mad easy. Some of the beautiful Hawaiian names are listed below.

Mahelona Māui Nāinoa
Mahiʻai Mika Nakoa
Maikaʻi Mikala Nālani
Makaio Mikaʻele Nāmaka
Makana Moana Nāwai
Makanui Moke Nehemia
Makia Moʻo Noa
Makoa Māhoe Nohea
Malaki Maleko Nuʻuanu


Cute Hawaiian Names

Cute Hawaiian Names

There are a lot of cute names in Hawaii. Some of the examples are Maleko, Noa, Makia, etc. Some of the other examples of cute Hawaiian names are listed below.

Analu Louanne Alayne
Ele Louanna Aloha
Alamea Alene Iolani
Aonani Allina Nohea
Alane Allyna Keoki
Allene Alohilani Alie
Iolana Aukai Keala
Louann Kawai Kanani
Lannah Aleynah Kalana
Kaimi Kawika Luanne
Kameo Kina Kimo


Common Hawaiian names

Common Hawaiian names

There are a lot of common names in each and every country. Some of the most common Hawaiian names are listed below.

Alohi Keilana Miliani
Alleen Lalani Kani
Lanai Lanah Makani
Olina Malu Kini
Iakona Luwana Aolani
Lanna Luanna Luanda
Mano Malana Mahina
Launi Keona Allana
Alawna Mana Kanoa


Hawaiian names for cats

Hawaiian names for cats

After some amazing names for dogs, it is time for some of the Hawaiian names for cats. Some of the Hawaiian names for cats are listed below.



Pretty Hawaiian names

Pretty Hawaiian names

There are a lot of pretty beaches in Hawaii. But now we are going to take a look at some of the pretty Hawaiian names. Pretty Hawaiian names are listed below.

Malea Maleia Lilia
Anela Kahlia Liliana
Oline Ulani Lilinoe
Kaloni Makaio Loika
Ohana Lani Loka
Alleyne Melia Lokalia
Alonna Luana Loke
Oleen Nakoa Lokelani
Moana Alanis Luana
Halia Kaleo Luika
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Traditional Hawaiian names

Traditional Hawaiian names

As I told you earlier that Hawaiian names are very traditional. They love to name their child traditionally. Some of the traditional Hawaiian names are listed below.

Ainanani Alleynah Anuenue
Akeakamai Alohalani Apelila
Akahele Alohanani Apona
Akamai Alohinani Auina
Akamu Aloiki Aukelenuiaiku
Akaula Keiba Bizzy
Alaula Keiki Ehehene
Alekanekelo Lou-Ann Elikapeka
Alekona Luannah Henoheno
Aleyne Luannie Kalaine
Aliimalu Luano Kaneeta


Hawaiian names that start with m

Hawaiian names that start with m

After visiting a huge variety of names it is a time of moving to words a specific word. Hawaiian names that start with m are listed below.

Makaio Mano Malia
Makani Manollo Malu
Malana Melia Mana
Malea Melya Menya
Maleah Milani Maria
Maleia Moana Merry


Native Hawaiian Names

Native Hawaiian Names

Native Hawaiian means citizens who were born and are related to Hawaii. Some of the Native Hawaiian names are listed below.

Nakoa Palila Kawai
Nalanee Pekelo Kauai
Nalani Salamasina Kanoa
Nanaue Ulani Kani
Noelani Iolani Kaneeta
Nohea Iolana Kanani
Nohokai Iokepa Kameo
Ohana Iakona Kamea
Oleen Henoheno Kaloni
Olina Halia Kalia
Oline Elikapeka Kaleo
Pali Ele Kalei


Unique Hawaiian names

Unique Hawaiian names

Each and every country has some unique names. Some of the most unique Hawaiian names are listed below, and you must check them out.

Anakela Allinah Aleynah
Aluna Allina Alene
Alonna Alleyne Alekona
Aloiki Alleynah Alekanekelo
Alohinani Allene Alayne
Alohilani Alleen Alawna
Alohi Allana Alaula
Alohanani Ali’imalu Alanna
Alohalani Aliimalu Alanis
Aloha Alie Alani
Allyna Aleyne Alane


Good Hawaiian Names

Good Hawaiian Names

After exploring the huge variety of names it is time for some of the good Hawaiian names. Some of the good Hawaiian names are listed below.

Naiʻa Lahapa Leinani
Nālani Lāhela Leināʻala
Nāmaka Laka Lepeka
Nanea Lanakila Kamala
Nani Lani Kamalani
Naomi Lea Kamalei
Nāpua Lehua Kameāloha
Nāwai Lei Kamila
Noelani Leialoha Kanaloa
Nohea Leilani Kanani
Nohealani Leimomi Kanoelani


FAQs on Hawaiian names

What is a pretty Hawaiian name?

Some of the pretty Hawaiian names are Nohealani, Kanani, and Kamila.

What is a Hawaiian name for a boy?

Kimo, Kini, and Koa are some of the Hawaiian names for boys.

What are some popular names in Hawaii?

Some of the popular names are Luika, Luna, and Malia.