450+ Graffiti Names Ideas – Pick Your Favorite One

Street art has become a fundamental part of urban culture, giving voice to communities, provoking thoughts and adding vibrant colors to the concrete jungle. Graffiti, in particular, has emerged as a powerful form of expression, allowing artists to leave their mark on the walls of the city. But what about the names behind these powerful artworks?

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of 400+ street graffiti names that not only display the creativity and individuality of artists but also showcase the diverse range of styles and themes explored in this unique art form.

From simple tags to elaborate murals, every artwork begins with a name, a moniker that represents the artist’s identity and sets the tone for their creative expression. Whether they are known by their tags in the underground graffiti scene or have gained mainstream recognition, each name on our list embodies the rebellious spirit and artistic flair present in the world of street art.

These graffiti names span across various genres, including graffiti art, stencil art, wheat-pasting, and street installations. You’ll find names that evoke a sense of mystery, while others boldly declare their message to the world. Each name has its unique characteristics, capturing the essence of the artist and the stories they have to tell.

So, if you’re a street art enthusiast, an artist looking for inspiration, or simply curious about the names resonating in the urban landscape, dive into our collection of 400+ street graffiti names and embrace the rich tapestry of creativity that defines this thriving art movement.

Aesthetic Street Graffiti Names

  1. Whisp3r
  2. Skul1
  3. Lumina9ti
  4. NyxShadow
  5. V3n0m
  6. B1t3rSw33t
  7. SynKronik
  8. GraffLuvr
  9. Ser3naD3l1ght
  10. Nytr0
  11. BlissfulX
  12. S1lverStr33k
  13. Sm4sh
  14. Vibr4ntV3rtigo
  15. Ecc0
  16. Enigmax
  17. OpalEyes
  18. F1reFly
  19. Qu4lityInkBlast
  20. Xan4dus
  21. Ge0m3try
  22. EleKtrikSpray
  23. L0stInK
  24. Skribblez
  25. Rainb0wRhythm
  26. Chromatik
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Baddie Street Graffiti Names

  1. S@v@g3X
  2. B1tchSl@p
  3. T-Roxx
  4. D@rkn3ss
  5. XtremeK1ll
  6. BlackWid0w
  7. FuryF1r3
  8. V3nomous
  9. Slyth3r1n
  10. Lucif3r
  11. R3aperX
  12. BurnD0wn
  13. ToxicStorm
  14. Sh@dowC@st
  15. PsychoCh1c
  16. M@dM3nace
  17. R@geQu33n
  18. D3mol1sh3r
  19. GrimR3@per
  20. Cru3lTyrant
  21. Sp1d3rB1t3
  22. SkullCrush3r
  23. Kha0sK1ng
  24. R3giCid3
  25. Bl@ckh3@rt
  26. En1gm@tic

Best Street Graffiti Names

  1. R@v3n
  2. S1ren
  3. Xtrem3
  4. Cyph3r
  5. B⚡zz
  6. Ph@ntom
  7. Ace$
  8. Ink⚡ed
  9. PixelArt
  10. Lord@fSpr@y
  11. Gr@ffMast3r
  12. Ni9e
  13. C4nvas
  14. V@ndal
  15. Sketchninja
  16. Sm@mmer
  17. Thr@sh
  18. Inferno
  19. Kr@zyKre8or
  20. Blast3r
  21. CaptainCr@wl
  23. NeonB⚡mb
  24. RetroGraphik
  25. Sign€d
  26. St3ncilL⚡fe

Catchy Street Graffiti Names

  1. SprayMasterX
  2. GraffixNinja
  3. Tagzilla
  4. ArtsyVandal
  5. StencilKing
  6. ColorGraff
  7. GloomyGraffiti
  8. InkAssault
  9. RageWriter
  10. WildeWall
  11. UrbanScribe
  12. PixelBomber
  13. Graffitistocrat
  14. TrickBrush
  15. SirenSpray
  16. RiotArt
  17. FlashGraff
  18. SkullSpray
  19. StreetDoodler
  20. InkFury
  21. Madmarker
  22. RustyRevolver
  23. TagMachine
  24. PhantomSpray
  25. StreetWise
  26. WarriorWalls

Chill Street Graffiti Names

  1. B1LLION$oul
  2. S₵RiPTK1D
  3. RaVeR_BeaT
  4. GraffMast3r
  5. Ch1llV1beZ
  6. D3Z1GNz
  7. V1vidSwag
  8. Fluor3ss3nc3
  9. Tr3ndzC4nvas
  10. J4zzJunki3
  11. NeonDreamz
  12. C☮nf3tiiBliss
  13. LuMiN8
  14. St☆rZtrix
  15. GraffL0rd
  16. C4nvasK1ng
  17. Ch3ck3rB☮ard
  18. V1bes&C☮l☮r
  19. UVGlow
  20. InkWitch
  21. Sh🦄mm3r
  22. GraffitiGuru
  23. K☯smikKanv❍s
  24. J☯yfulSpray
  25. Ch1llThr1ll
  26. IllumiNatty

Classy Street Graffiti Names

  1. ShadowLust
  2. EchoWarrior
  3. SirenaChaos
  4. MysticVandal
  5. AmethystRebel
  6. NyxWren
  7. LuciferKicks
  8. AstraBlaze
  9. ScarletRiot
  10. PhoenixFury
  11. WhisperNova
  12. RavenSlash
  13. AceGraff
  14. SapphireScribe
  15. StormInk
  16. LunarVortex
  17. DazzleZephyr
  18. RogueQuill
  19. OlympusQuake
  20. FlameChisel
  21. VioletNight
  22. EnigmaSpray
  23. FortuneScribble
  24. RubyRuckus
  25. QuasarTag
  26. XenonSlash

Cool Street Graffiti Names

  1. Bl4z3r
  2. Skylin3r
  3. PhantomX
  4. Vib3s
  5. Cypher
  6. St3alth
  7. Xplosi0n
  8. NeonEdge
  9. Graffik
  10. Shad0w
  11. BurstBolt
  12. InfiniteArt
  13. Spl4tt3r
  14. MidnightTagger
  15. Razorglyph
  16. ChromaSpray
  17. GravityHaze
  18. Hyp3rburst
  19. XenoVandal
  20. RetroSpartan
  21. LuminoCity
  22. Inkdreamer
  23. SteelyArtsy
  24. PsykoCr8ter
  25. GrittyStylz
  26. VortexCraze

Creative Street Graffiti Names

  1. BlazeVandal
  2. Tagmaster
  3. GraffitiGuru
  4. SprayNinja
  5. InkAssassin
  6. WallWhisperer
  7. StencilSultan
  8. GraffPirate
  9. UrbanArtist
  10. AerosolAvenger
  11. ColorBandit
  12. StreetCanvas
  13. GraffitiJunkie
  14. TagGoddess
  15. ArtisticOutlaw
  16. WallWizard
  17. GraffLegend
  18. MuralMaestro
  19. SpraySorceress
  20. GraffitiRebel
  21. StencilMaestro
  22. TagVixen
  23. WallWanderer
  24. GraffWizard
  25. SprayFury
  26. MetroMastermind

Creepy Street Graffiti Names

  1. Whispering Shadows
  2. The Silent Stalker
  3. Midnight Phantom
  4. Graffiti Ghoul
  5. Chaos Crawler
  6. Haunted Ink
  7. Spiderweb Sprayer
  8. Spectral Spraycan
  9. Nightmare Painter
  10. Wicked Whispers
  11. Creepy Canvasser
  12. Graffiti Ghost
  13. Psycho Spray
  14. Fearful Fingers
  15. Wicked Whiskers
  16. Sinister Scribbles
  17. Phantom Phrases
  18. Demonic Doodles
  19. Terror Tagger
  20. Grimy Grinch
  21. The Poison Pen
  22. Stealthy Scratcher
  23. Macabre Markings
  24. Creepshow Crawler
  25. Psycho Painter
  26. Ghostly Graffitist
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Cute Street Graffiti Names

  1. SmileySpray
  2. ColorfulWhiskers
  3. FrostyWhisper
  4. StarlightScribble
  5. GigglesN’Ink
  6. BubblyBrushstrokes
  7. SweetDoodlebug
  8. GraffitiFlutter
  9. WhimsicalHeart
  10. RaindropArtistry
  11. InkyPaws
  12. MagicMist
  13. SunshineSpray
  14. DreamyGraffiti
  15. GlowingGraffitist
  16. SugarSpray
  17. FlutterbyGraffiti
  18. ArtisticWhisper
  19. HappyHue
  20. SparklingScribbles
  21. BlossomGraffitist
  22. JoyfulInk
  23. ScribbleHeart
  24. CuteCurves
  25. WhisperingSpray
  26. PastelGraffiti

Edgy Street Graffiti Names

1. ShadowCr4wler
2. InkAss4ssin
3. RiotTagg3r
4. Str33tS1nner
5. VandalVix3n
6. UrbanR4ge
7. Graf1tiZer0
8. R3belSpr4y
9. S1gnatureShade
10. Xplosiv3Art
11. Gr4ndV4ndal
12. Rewr1ter
13. NightGraff1tist
14. AnarchyArtist
15. R4dik4lInk
16. BoldStr33ts
17. Spl4tterM4niac
18. WickedD3signer
19. OutlawGraf
20. Tagg3dV1sion
21. Destruct1veDraws
22. SerpentSl4yer
23. Wr1t3r’sWr4th
24. Xtr3meSpr4y
25. ChaoticCr3ator

Female Street Graffiti Names

  1. LunaCre8tive
  2. WildHeartX
  3. UrbanVixen
  4. GraffQueen
  5. InkGoddess
  6. RedSprayRiot
  7. PsykoGraffiti
  8. SugarBomb
  9. SmokeArtSiren
  10. NeonSplatter
  11. MissTagger
  12. GlitterGraff
  13. ElectricLady
  14. MysteryMarker
  15. SprayCanDiva
  16. NoirSpray
  17. SplatterFemme
  18. PixelGrafx
  19. GraffitiGypsy
  20. RainbowInk
  21. ScarletStencil
  22. StarryBomb
  23. SunsetVandal
  24. FemmeFataleBomb
  25. AtomicGraffiti
  26. RusticGraff

Funny Street Graffiti Names

  1. ThePunnyPainter
  2. WittyWalls
  3. GraffitiGuru
  4. SprayAndPlay
  5. TagMeUp
  6. CreativeVandal
  7. InkGenius
  8. ArtisticPunk
  9. GraffitistExtraordinaire
  10. SprayCanLegend
  11. WallWhisperer
  12. GraffitiJoker
  13. TaggingTornado
  14. Skitzograph
  15. RadicalRascal
  16. SprayMasterFlex
  17. GraffitiDoodle
  18. StencilChampion
  19. LaughingGraffer
  20. TaggingTroublemaker
  21. GraffitiComedian
  22. PunsterPainter
  23. InkPunk
  24. ArtMischief
  25. ColorfulVandal

Gangster Street Graffiti Names

  1. F1$t_$tr!k3r
  2. Bu11etPr00f
  3. XtremeXecutor
  4. D3adlyD3mon
  5. CruelCriminal
  6. Ruthl3ssR3aper
  7. V1rusVandal
  8. SilentSwindler
  9. IronF!$t
  10. ShadowShanker
  11. Blood$platt3r
  12. PsychoPirate
  13. ThugThrasher
  14. GraffitiGuerilla
  15. SavageScribbler
  16. BrawlerBanksy
  17. MafiaMaestro
  18. RogueRacketeer
  19. NoirNinja
  20. XenomorphXterminator
  21. SinisterSprayer
  22. StreetSmartStriker
  23. TacticalTagger
  24. RampantRascal
  25. AnarchyArtist
  26. WickedWanderer

Good Street Graffiti Names

  1. BlazeTag420
  2. SprayKingz
  3. GraffMaverick
  4. ArtVandal
  5. StreetNinjaX
  6. TagMaster
  7. HoodArtist
  8. UrbanGraffix
  9. InkJunkie89
  10. GraffitiWizard
  11. JungleSpray
  12. SprayBombE
  13. CityScribbler
  14. WallScrawler
  15. StreetDoodlez
  16. UndergroundInk
  17. WildStylez
  18. TagTerror
  19. GraffLife
  20. ColorKilla
  21. RapidBrush
  22. BlendMaster
  23. TagTornado
  24. ShadowStencil
  25. ArtSlinger
  26. GraffitiGoddess

Great Street Graffiti Names

  1. R4G3R
  2. SprayM4ster
  3. G1tch
  4. Kr4y0n
  5. BlastVandal
  6. Str33tArtsist
  7. GraffM4gic
  8. T4gZilla
  9. C4noopy
  10. Tr1ckW4ll
  11. St3ncilDreams
  12. Ph4ntomSpray
  13. RebelScr4tch
  14. SkullCr4wl
  15. DigiGraff
  16. M1styTagz
  17. NeonN1nja
  18. ChroM4niac
  19. Ink4ssassin
  20. Whisppr
  21. R4inbowScribblz
  22. ArtisticAnarchy
  23. V4ndalVibez
  24. SplashM4ker
  25. CreativeChaos
  26. Gr4ff1t1K1ng

Grunge Street Graffiti Names

  1. R@zrbl@de
  2. ScytheX
  3. Vi0l3ntStr34k
  4. Gh0s7F@d3
  5. Skr@wl
  6. Inkf3nd3r
  7. BloodDripp3r
  8. Noiz3B0mb
  9. Ch@osChild
  10. Sh@tt3r3dSkull
  11. Gr@ff1tiM@n
  12. Rust3dC@n
  13. V0idCr@wl3r
  14. Spl@tt3r3dH3@rts
  15. Br0k3nB0ttle
  16. Shredz4Lyf3
  17. R@g3Tagger
  18. Tw!st3dInk
  19. Cr@z3dSpr@y
  20. Scr@pb0x
  21. BulletStr33t
  22. G0r3Gr@ff1t1
  23. Cr@y0nCult
  24. Bl@ck0ut
  25. D3m0nsGlyph
  26. P@int3dNights
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Male Street Graffiti Names

  1. ScraP100
  2. SprayK1ng
  3. GraffXpert
  4. D3f4c3r
  5. InkNinja
  6. TagGuru
  7. RackMaster
  8. ArtVandal
  9. WallWrecker
  10. StreetInk
  11. GraffitiBeast
  12. Canslinger
  13. DropzZ
  14. TaGoon
  15. UrbanLegend
  16. GrafitiBomber
  17. Stenc1lr
  18. W4llWrit3r
  19. ColorCrush3r
  20. Graffsycho
  21. InkAddict
  22. StreetWizard
  23. Spr4yThug
  24. TagTerrorist
  25. C0ncreteCanva5
  26. GraffitiKilla

Mythical Street Graffiti Names

  1. Mystic_Sprayer
  2. Siren_Graffartist
  3. Shadowtag
  4. Dragon_Doodler
  5. Fable_Spray
  6. Enigma_Artist
  7. Phoenix_Painter
  8. Mythical_Muralist
  9. Astral_Aerosol
  10. Griffin_Graffiti
  11. Whimsy_Wallpainter
  12. Mermaid_Marker
  13. Centaur_Creator
  14. Leprechaun_Legend
  15. Wizard_Writings
  16. Valkyrie_Vandal
  17. Chimera_Chalk
  18. Unicorn_Urbanart
  19. Pegasus_Painter
  20. Minotaur_Murals
  21. Kraken_Kreator
  22. Harpy_Hues
  23. Dragoness_Designs
  24. Nymph_N@maestro
  25. Phantom_Pen
  26. Pixie_Paint

New Street Graffiti Names

  1. SprayMaster©
  2. GraffixPhantom®
  3. XtremeVandal
  4. ArtAssassin®
  5. InkKing
  6. GraffitiGenius©
  7. TagTornado
  8. StencilSlinger
  9. ColorBomb®
  10. StreetArtsmith©
  11. UrbanLegend
  12. WallscapeWizard©
  13. SprayCanNinja
  14. GraphicsGuru®
  15. StencilWhisperer
  16. MuralMaestro©
  17. GraffitiJoker
  18. RevolutionaryWriter®
  19. TagTiger
  20. PolygonPirate©
  21. ColorBlast
  22. WallWarrior
  23. GraphittiGod®
  24. StencilWhiz
  25. UrbanVandal©
  26. SprayBomb

One Word Street Graffiti Names

  1. Raze
  2. Zoom
  3. Lyric
  4. Ace
  5. Blaze
  6. Phase
  7. Fury
  8. Hex
  9. Jinx
  10. Kaos
  11. Neon
  12. Riot
  13. Slix
  14. Vex
  15. Warp
  16. Xeno
  17. Yolo
  18. Zephyr
  19. Grim
  20. Havoc
  21. Nova
  22. Zero
  23. Fate
  24. Rogue
  25. Doom
  26. Volt

Street Graffiti Names FAQs