450+ Pet Monkey Names – Pick Your Favorite One

Welcome to our extensive list of 400+ monkey names! Are you looking for the perfect name for your mischievous pet monkey or perhaps need some inspiration for a character in a story or game? Look no further! We have curated a diverse collection of names that are playful, unique, and perfect for these intelligent creatures.

Monkeys are known for their lively personalities and agile nature, making them fascinating companions and subjects of fascination. Whether you have a capuchin, spider monkey, or squirrel monkey, our list encompasses names from various sources such as mythology, popular culture, and nature, ensuring there’s an option for every monkey, both big and small.

From cute and whimsical names to powerful and majestic ones, we have something that suits every individual monkey’s characteristics. Whether you are seeking a name that reflects their playful nature, some names that pay tribute to their native origins, or even names that highlight their endearing features, we’ve got you covered.

Browse through our list and discover names like Bongo, Coco, Kiki, or even famous monkey characters like Abu, Curious George, or Marcel from the television show Friends. With over 400 options, you’re bound to find the ideal name that captures the essence of your unique monkey companion or character.

Aesthetic Monkey Names

  1. M0nkeyGlow
  2. Pr!malS0ul
  3. B@nanaJungle
  4. S@ssySw!ng
  5. Gle@mingApe
  6. R@inb0wCh!mpanzee
  7. M!st!ca1M0nk3y
  8. S0apbubb1esSimian
  9. Wh!sp3r!ngAp3
  10. G0ldenG!bbon
  11. AcrobaticA!m
  12. R@d!antR!ngta!l
  13. S@vvyS!mian
  14. C0v3tedC0c0nut
  15. N0cturn@lNap3r
  16. M1racleMarmoset
  17. Sn!p3rSw!ng
  18. M@rshm@llowM0nk3y
  19. G@laxyGuerilla
  20. S!lv3rbackSt@r
  21. Ch0c0lateCh!mpanzee
  22. L0veLorna
  23. B@mb00bling
  24. M!ntyM0nk3y
  25. El3g@ntEnc0unt3r
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Baddie Monkey Names

  1. M0NK3Y M4Dn355
  2. S1n1st3r Ape
  3. F1r3CraZ3d Pr1m4t3
  4. ShadowSwing3r
  5. V1rusV3locity
  6. P0is0n0usBanana
  7. Xpl0siv3Chimp
  8. D4rkSwing3r
  9. M0nk3yMayh3m
  10. R4zorCl4wz
  11. BurntBananas
  12. JungleJugg3rnaut
  13. ChaosChimp
  14. SneakySimian
  15. BloodthirstyBaboon
  16. Thrill3d4p3
  17. PsychoPrimate
  18. ElectricEy3z
  19. D3monkGrin
  20. Rag3dRhesus
  21. S1lentSwing3r
  22. PoisonedPawz
  23. VenomousVervet
  24. B4dassBaboon
  25. MenacingMandrill
  26. W1ld4ndW1ck3d

Best Monkey Names

  1. Tiki
  2. Banana
  3. Coco
  4. Jungle Jim
  5. Simba
  6. Boomer
  7. Chatterbox
  8. King Kong
  9. Zippy
  10. Bongo
  11. Bamboo
  12. Chip
  13. Marmalade
  14. Peanut
  15. Bubbles
  16. Gizmo
  17. Koko
  18. Cheeky
  19. Mango
  20. Pogo
  21. Ringo
  22. Popcorn
  23. Wiggles
  24. Twinkle
  25. Chunky
  26. Puddle

Catchy Monkey Names

  1. CuriousGeorge99
  2. JungleJumper
  3. BananaBandit
  4. CocoChimp
  5. SwingingSimian
  6. WilyMonkey
  7. GigglingGorilla
  8. PlayfulPrimate
  9. SassySquirrelMonkey
  10. PeanutPouncer
  11. ChatterboxChimp
  12. BubblegumBaboon
  13. WildWhiskers
  14. BouncyBonobo
  15. AdventurousApe
  16. FunkyMonkey
  17. BraveBaboon
  18. CheekyChimpanzee
  19. AcrobatApe
  20. SmartySimian
  21. BambooBouncer
  22. JungleGem
  23. SwiftSwinger
  24. MischiefMaker
  25. FluffyFurry
  26. BananaSplitter

Chill Monkey Names

  1. Ch1llM0nk3y
  2. CoolPr1mate
  3. RelaxedApe
  4. S1llySimian
  5. TranquilChimp
  6. EasygoingGorilla
  7. LaidbackLemur
  8. MellowBaboon
  9. ChillaxOrangutan
  10. SereneBonobo
  11. LeisurelyTamarin
  12. SnoozyMarmoset
  13. CasualSpiderMonkey
  14. CalmLangur
  15. SerenadeHowler
  16. PeacefulGibbon
  17. BlissfulMacaque
  18. LazyColobus
  19. TranquilityCapuchin
  20. SoothingSaki
  21. CarefreeLoris
  22. RelaxingSquirrelMonkey
  23. ContentedBaboon
  24. BreezySpiderMonkey
  25. LeisurelyTamarin
  26. EasygoingMarmoset

Classy Monkey Names

  1. Milo
  2. Luna
  3. Charlie
  4. Bella
  5. Theodore
  6. Ava
  7. Oscar
  8. Sophia
  9. Maxwell
  10. Amelia
  11. Oliver
  12. Chloe
  13. Leo
  14. Scarlett
  15. Henry
  16. Grace
  17. Samson
  18. Lucy
  19. Finn
  20. Penelope
  21. Atlas
  22. Harper
  23. Sebastian
  24. Adeline
  25. Arthur
  26. Isabella

Cool Monkey Names

  1. M0NK3Y
  2. Ap3X
  3. JungleKing
  4. BananaBandit
  5. PrimalPunk
  6. SavannaSwinger
  7. ChimpChampion
  8. FuriousFurry
  9. CocoCommando
  10. JungleNinja
  11. KongKiller
  12. SlySimian
  13. BambooBrawler
  14. TreetopTerror
  15. HairyHercules
  16. WildWhiskers
  17. BananaBoss
  18. Monkraker
  19. CrankyKong
  20. AceofApes
  21. GorillaGangster
  22. BananaBrawler
  23. JungleJuggernaut
  24. ClimbingCommander
  25. TrickyTails
  26. PogoPrimate

Creative Monkey Names

  1. Coco Banana
  2. Sparklechimp
  3. Bamboozle
  4. Gizmo
  5. Junglejive
  6. Monkeyshine
  7. BananaBreeze
  8. KikiChatter
  9. ZiggyPaws
  10. ChimpyCharmer
  11. TwinkleToes
  12. WiseWhiskers
  13. BananaBob
  14. CheekyChiChi
  15. JungleGuru
  16. CuriousTail
  17. CrazyPaws
  18. Rockin’Rilla
  19. BouncyBanana
  20. MischievousMomo
  21. MonkeyKong
  22. ZippyZooZoo
  23. Swingin’Simian
  24. FunkyChimp
  25. SpunkyMonkey
  26. RazzleDazzle

Creepy Monkey Names

  1. Drax the Unseen
  2. Shadowpaws
  3. Grimfang
  4. Nightshade
  5. CrypticChimp
  6. WhisperingMonkey
  7. DarkHeartedApe
  8. Hellspawn
  9. SinisterSimian
  10. MoonlightMarauder
  11. BansheeBanana
  12. GraveyardGorilla
  13. DuskDweller
  14. SilentSpecter
  15. BrutalBaboon
  16. TwistedTail
  17. ChillingChimpanzee
  18. MacabreMonkey
  19. EerieEyes
  20. GhoulGibbon
  21. SkeletonSwing
  22. CreepyClimber
  23. NightmareNinja
  24. EnigmaApe
  25. TerrorTroop
  26. SpookySiamang

Cute Monkey Names

  1. Coco
  2. Pepper
  3. Banana
  4. Peanut
  5. Bubbles
  6. Mango
  7. Chico
  8. Jellybean
  9. Charlie
  10. Kiwi
  11. Oreo
  12. Biscuit
  13. Marshmallow
  14. Hazel
  15. Pebbles
  16. Noodle
  17. Pumpkin
  18. Snickerdoodle
  19. Truffle
  20. Sweetie
  21. Hopscotch
  22. Sprinkles
  23. Bijou
  24. Poppet
  25. Doodlebug
  26. Wiggles
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Edgy Monkey Names

  1. ApexM0nkey
  2. ViperKing
  3. XenoBrawler
  4. CyberChimp
  5. RazorTail
  6. ShadowFury
  7. BlitzKong
  8. IronJungle
  9. ScytheSwinger
  10. RogueApe
  11. NeonBanana
  12. ViciousVervet
  13. DoomsdayMonkey
  14. SavageSimian
  15. ChaosChimpanzee
  16. PsychoPrimate
  17. DevilishDart
  18. BlazeBanana
  19. PoisonPaw
  20. DeathGorilla
  21. MadMacaque
  22. EclipseEmperor
  23. BoneCrusher
  24. NightmareBaboon
  25. RuthlessRilla
  26. RebelMonkey

Female Monkey Names

  1. Simba
  2. Lola
  3. Chloe
  4. Zara
  5. Mia
  6. Lulu
  7. Nala
  8. Coco
  9. Lily
  10. Bella
  11. Zoe
  12. Molly
  13. Lucy
  14. Leia
  15. Jade
  16. Ava
  17. Sasha
  18. Ruby
  19. Kiki
  20. Sage
  21. Minnie
  22. Pepper
  23. Scout
  24. Hazel
  25. Poppy
  26. Willow

Funny Monkey Names

  1. ChimpanzZy
  2. BananaBoomer
  3. Gorillarious
  4. MonkeyBusiness
  5. BaboonBuddy
  6. CrazyChimp
  7. BananaBandit
  8. JungleJoker
  9. BonkersBaboon
  10. BananaSplitz
  11. MonkeyMayhem
  12. GibberingGorilla
  13. CrazyApe
  14. BananaBinge
  15. SassySimian
  16. BonoboBubbles
  17. BouncyBaboon
  18. JungleJester
  19. MonkeyMischief
  20. GigglingGibbons
  21. CheekyChimpanzee
  22. BananaCrazed
  23. MischievousMacaque
  24. BananaNinja
  25. BumblingBaboon
  26. ChatteryChimp

Gangster Monkey Names

  1. Big Tony 🐵
  2. Scarface 🐒
  3. Vinnie The Fist 🙊
  4. Benny Two-Tails 🐵
  5. Rocco The Enforcer 🐒
  6. Frankie Knuckles 🙈
  7. Joey The Snake 🐵
  8. Louie The Fixer 🐒
  9. Jimmy Blade 🙊
  10. Vito The Don 🐵
  11. Nico The Rat 🐒
  12. Bruno The Hammer 🙈
  13. Angelo Crazy Eyes 🐵
  14. Gino The Shark 🐼
  15. Sal Silent Assassin 🙉
  16. Tony Bad Banana 🐵
  17. Marcello The Bulldog 🐒
  18. Rocco The Razor 🙊
  19. Giovanni Mad Capo 🐵
  20. Enzo The Smuggler 🐒
  21. Carmine One-Eye 🙈
  22. Lenny The Snitch 🐣
  23. Vincent The Claw 🙊
  24. Rocco The Butcher 🐵
  25. Johnny The Ghost 🐒
  26. Tommy The Flash 🙉

Good Monkey Names

  1. BananaBunch
  2. MonkeyMadness
  3. CocoaPaws
  4. JungleSwinger
  5. EnergeticChimp
  6. CuriousGeorge
  7. HappyHopper
  8. SwiftTail
  9. BananaSplitz
  10. CheekyChimp
  11. BambooBabe
  12. CrazyClimber
  13. PlayfulPrimate
  14. MischiefMaker
  15. ZippyZebra
  16. CoconutCaper
  17. GigglingGorilla
  18. AdventurousApe
  19. JungleJive
  20. SmartySimian
  21. CocoCruncher
  22. CurlyTail
  23. BouncingBaboon
  24. TropicalTrickster
  25. FunkyMonkey
  26. Swingin’Apes

Great Monkey Names

  1. BananaBoo
  2. CocoPaws
  3. JungleJumper
  4. MonkeyMagic
  5. GibbonsGalore
  6. SwingingSimian
  7. BambooBouncer
  8. ClimbingChamp
  9. PeanutPouncer
  10. ChatterChuck
  11. CuriousKong
  12. MangoMunch
  13. LivelyLemur
  14. BranchBuddy
  15. SwayingSwinger
  16. TreetopTumbler
  17. BananaBandit
  18. BarrelRoller
  19. GorillaGroover
  20. CoconutCrunch
  21. BounceBack
  22. JungleJester
  23. PlayfulPrimate
  24. FunkyFurball
  25. BananaBunch
  26. MasterMarmoset

Grunge Monkey Names

  1. -xXGrungeMonkeyXx-
  2. SmashnScratch
  3. DirtyBananas
  4. ScuffedApe
  5. RustyCymbals
  6. TornDenim
  7. GrimyChimp
  8. -FeralFuzz-
  9. ClawedVines
  10. DentedDrums
  11. WastedBananaz
  12. BruisedGorilla
  13. -ScatteredBeats-
  14. ShaggySimian
  15. JunkyardHoller
  16. WornOutRiffs
  17. ChaoticChimp
  18. -GrittyGrunge-
  19. ScratchedVinyl
  20. ShabbyGibbons
  21. TrekkinMonkeys
  22. -ChewedCables-
  23. SavageStrums
  24. MuddyPaws
  25. TangledTunes
  26. ThrashinPrimate
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Male Monkey Names

  1. Simba
  2. Charlie
  3. Max
  4. Oscar
  5. Buddy
  6. Gizmo
  7. Rocco
  8. Jackson
  9. Rocky
  10. Spike
  11. Bandit
  12. Milo
  13. Lucky
  14. Cooper
  15. Ziggy
  16. Banana
  17. Ace
  18. Finn
  19. Cody
  20. Jake
  21. Gus
  22. Duke
  23. Bamboo
  24. Rusty
  25. Thor
  26. Jasper

Mythical Monkey Names

  1. Amara the Wise
  2. Bailey the Trickster
  3. Chiron the Swift
  4. Daxt the Enchanter
  5. Elysia the Serene
  6. Fenrir the Mischievous
  7. Gizmo the Clever
  8. Hermes the Messenger
  9. Indigo the Mystic
  10. Jax the Agile
  11. Kairos the Time-Traveler
  12. Luna the Moon-dancer
  13. Marlo the Charmer
  14. Nyx the Nightshade
  15. Ozzy the Illusionist
  16. Pippa the Acrobat
  17. Quillen the Silent
  18. Rhea the Sunbeam
  19. Salem the Sorcerer
  20. Tempest the Storm-rider
  21. Ursula the Shadow-walker
  22. Valen the Enigma
  23. Wren the Whimsical
  24. Xander the Inquisitive
  25. Yara the Mirage
  26. Zephyr the Breeze-master

New Monkey Names

  1. Cha-Cha
  2. Ziggy
  3. Snowball
  4. Banana
  5. Rascal
  6. Jazz
  7. Oscar
  8. Peanut
  9. Mischief
  10. Coco
  11. Bubbles
  12. Shadow
  13. Rocky
  14. Kiki
  15. Mango
  16. Patch
  17. Lola
  18. Simba
  19. Pippin
  20. Chico
  21. Gizmo
  22. Daisy
  23. Jungle
  24. BamBam
  25. Nala

One Word Monkey Names

  1. Banana
  2. Jungle
  3. Chimpanzee
  4. Coconut
  5. Mischief
  6. Tropical
  7. Swing
  8. Gibbons
  9. Curious
  10. Climb
  11. Simian
  12. Hash
  13. Twig
  14. Pounce
  15. Bamboo
  16. Cheeky
  17. Tree
  18. Playful
  19. Tarzan
  20. Primate
  21. JungleBook
  22. Branch
  23. Buddy
  24. Gorilla
  25. Bubble
  26. Baboon

Monkey Names FAQs