450+ Cat Usernames That Are Cute, Cool, Funny and Creative

Are you a proud cat owner looking for a unique and catchy username for your feline friend? Look no further! In this article, we have curated a list of over 400 cat usernames that are sure to suit all types of cats and their personalities. Whether you have a mischievous kitty, a regal cat, or a playful ball of fur, we have a username idea for every cat out there.

Choosing the perfect username for your cat is an exciting part of being a pet parent. It’s a creative way to reflect your cat’s character, interests, or simply showcase their adorableness. Our list features a variety of names inspired by cats’ traits, nature, famous fictional cats, and even popular culture references. Whether you want a name that sounds elegant, funny, or quirky, we’ve got you covered.

Not only will a great username make your cat feel special, but it can also be useful for social media accounts, online forums, or simply distinguishing your feline friend from others. It can be challenging to come up with the perfect cat username, but with our extensive list, you’ll surely find a name that resonates with your cat’s unique spirit.

Aesthetic Cat Usernames

  1. MoonWhiskers
  2. StarryPaws
  3. FelineDream
  4. PurrfectSerenity
  5. WhiskerWhisper
  6. VelvetClaw
  7. GlimmeringEyes
  8. MysticMew
  9. Silkysnuggle
  10. EnchantingPounce
  11. SunbeamKitten
  12. TwilightTails
  13. GracefulLeap
  14. GoldenFurball
  15. WhisperingWhiskers
  16. Duskypurrs
  17. OpalescentPaws
  18. LuminousKitty
  19. WhiskerWonderland
  20. SereneCuddle
  21. StarlitPurr
  22. EmberEyes
  23. GossemerPounce
  24. VelvetNights
  25. PastelPawprints
  26. RadiantFeline
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Baddie Cat Usernames

  1. ShadowScratch
  2. MidnightMew
  3. FeralFeline
  4. ViperClaws
  5. RuthlessPaws
  6. NoirWhiskers
  7. SavageStripes
  8. PantheressX
  9. JaggedClawz
  10. ObsidianEyes
  11. VenomousWhiskers
  12. OnyxSlash
  13. SnarlFur
  14. WildTigress
  15. ThornTail
  16. FierceFuzzy
  17. RipperKitty
  18. GrimalkinGangster
  19. SlyPouncer
  20. BloodthirstyPaws
  21. BadassTabby
  22. SinisterSiamese
  23. DeviousCalico
  24. CruelKitten
  25. PunkPersian
  26. VixenClaws

Best Cat Usernames

  1. WhiskerWonder
  2. PurrfectFluff
  3. MeowMaster
  4. FelineFrenzy
  5. CatnipNinja
  6. MajesticMittens
  7. CuddlyPaws
  8. FurryWhiskers
  9. SlyKitty
  10. PawsomeFeline
  11. PreciousPurr
  12. VelvetClaws
  13. KittyCharm
  14. PlayfulTabby
  15. SnuggleMeow
  16. WhiskerKisses
  17. FluffyTailz
  18. CatnapQueen
  19. CuriousWhiskers
  20. MischievousMew
  21. PawsitivelyPawsome
  22. AdorableMeower
  23. CharmingCatTail
  24. CatHearted
  25. WhiskerMagic
  26. PawsitivelyPurrfect

Catchy Cat Usernames

  1. PurrfectPaws
  2. MeowMaster
  3. FelineFrenzy
  4. WhiskerWonder
  5. CatnipConnoisseur
  6. KittyKatKing
  7. PawsomePlaytime
  8. CatCuddler
  9. MewMewMagic
  10. LeapingLion
  11. FluffyWhiskers
  12. ClawciousCats
  13. MajesticMouser
  14. PurrrfectPounce
  15. CatChampion
  16. CuriousKitten
  17. WhiskerWhiz
  18. TomcatTamer
  19. PawsitivelyAdorable
  20. MeowgicalMischief
  21. SnugglySiamese
  22. CatNinja
  23. PlayfulPanther
  24. SassySphynx
  25. TabbyTreasure
  26. MellowMew

Chill Cat Usernames

  1. CoolCat12*
  2. MellowKitty
  3. ChillPaws
  4. SnoozyWhiskers
  5. LaidbackFeline
  6. ChillMeower
  7. RelaxedKitten
  8. LoungeLion*
  9. EasygoingTabby
  10. SerenePurr
  11. CalmKitty*
  12. ChilledOutCub
  13. TranquilWhiskers
  14. LazyLeopard*
  15. ChillaxMeow
  16. SleepySiamese
  17. ChillKitten88*
  18. BlissfulBengal
  19. ContentedPaws
  20. CarefreeGato*
  21. RelaxingPanther
  22. SoulfulStare*
  23. ChillCuddle*
  24. PeacefulPouncer
  25. CosyKitty

Note: * indicates usernames with special characters.

Classy Cat Usernames

  1. LeoTheLion
  2. MidnightMajesty
  3. PrincessPurrfect
  4. LordWhiskers
  5. SirMeowington
  6. DuchessFeline
  7. MisterMittens
  8. LadyLuna
  9. RegalPaws
  10. EmperorCato
  11. ImperialWhiskers
  12. CaptainKitty
  13. PhantomFeline
  14. GlamorousGato
  15. CountessCuddles
  16. MarquisMew
  17. DukeDivine
  18. MadamMysterious
  19. BaronessBelle
  20. SultanSlinker
  21. ViscountVelvet
  22. MadamMajestic
  23. PrincePounce
  24. NobleNaptime
  25. SirStylish

Cool Cat Usernames

  1. PurrfectlyCool
  2. MeowsterMind
  3. FelineFury
  4. WhiskerWarrior
  5. CatnipConnoisseur
  6. MajesticMew
  7. SleekandSassy
  8. ClawsomeCat
  9. FelizFeline
  10. CheshireChampion
  11. VelvetPaws
  12. PawesomePanther
  13. WhiskerWonder
  14. CoolCatty
  15. PouncePower
  16. SlyStripe
  17. Catmando
  18. FierceFeline
  19. JazzyJaguar
  20. Purrsistence
  21. SneakySiamese
  22. GlamourousGato
  23. DynamicDuchess
  24. SmartyTabby
  25. KingKitty
  26. RoaringRagdoll

Creative Cat Usernames

  1. WhiskerWonders
  2. MeowMaster
  3. PurrfectPaws
  4. FelineFury
  5. CaptainCatnip
  6. MagicWhiskers
  7. FluffyJuggernaut
  8. PawsomeAdventures
  9. MysticalMew
  10. ShadowPouncer
  11. CosmicKitty
  12. VelvetClaws
  13. NeonPurr
  14. SunshineWhiskers
  15. DreamyPawprints
  16. CharmingCheshire
  17. FiercePawPatrol
  18. SugarSphinx
  19. SlyPurrsona
  20. EnchantingEyes
  21. GlamorousKittyKat
  22. PlayfulPanthera
  23. JazzyWhiskers
  24. BoldBengal
  25. SparklingSiamese

Creepy Cat Usernames

  1. ShadowClaw666
  2. WhiskerPhantom
  3. SoulGazer
  4. MidnightWhisper
  5. FeralFeline
  6. GrimalkinGrin
  7. EnigmaPaws
  8. WitchcatWraith
  9. HellfireMew
  10. SinisterStripe
  11. CrypticKitty
  12. BloodCuddle
  13. PhantomFangs
  14. SpookyWhiskers
  15. SkeletalPurr
  16. DemonEyes04
  17. MistressMeow
  18. NightmarePounce
  19. GhoulPaws
  20. MacabreMouser
  21. SilentSpecter
  22. VexingVampire
  23. ShadowedSlink
  24. DreadedTabby
  25. SinisterSnuggles
  26. TwilightTerror

Cute Cat Usernames

  1. WhiskerWonder
  2. PawsomePurr
  3. Meowlicious
  4. FurballPrincess
  5. KittyCuddlebug
  6. SweetiePaws
  7. FluffyWhiskers
  8. SugarKitty
  9. SnuggleKitten
  10. MewMewMaru
  11. PlayfulPounce
  12. CuteClawz
  13. SnugglyButtercup
  14. FelineSweetheart
  15. PurritoKitty
  16. CuddlyWhiskerpuff
  17. FluffyNoseBoop
  18. PreciousPurrson
  19. KittyCharmz
  20. SnickerPaws
  21. CozyFlufftail
  22. WhiskerWiggles
  23. DaintyPawprints
  24. JellybeanKitty
  25. BinkyBelle
  26. SnuggleNugget
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Edgy Cat Usernames

  1. Purrvoker
  2. XtremeKitten
  3. WhiskerWarrior
  4. FelineFury
  5. ClawCraze
  6. ShadowPouncer
  7. RebelRoar
  8. MisfitMeows
  9. JaggedClaws
  10. PsychoPaws
  11. GrimalkinGrudge
  12. SavageScratch
  13. ChaosKitty
  14. RiotousWhiskers
  15. FieryFeline
  16. PunkPuss
  17. RebelRumble
  18. RazorSharpClaws
  19. SmirkWhiskers
  20. WildCatVibes
  21. PsychedelicPurr
  22. ViciousViperCat
  23. RadicalRascal
  24. SnarlAndSneer
  25. AnarchyPaw
  26. GrungyGato

Female Cat Usernames

  1. WhiskerQueen
  2. PurrfectPrincess
  3. FelineFury
  4. MeowMistress
  5. CattyGoddess
  6. KittyEmpress
  7. FluffyDuchess
  8. PawPrintPrima
  9. WhiskerWonder
  10. PawsitiveVibes
  11. GlamorousGato
  12. MajesticMeower
  13. JungleDiva
  14. Purrsistible
  15. FurballFashionista
  16. FeistyFeline
  17. SassySiamese
  18. TabbyTigress
  19. FluffyPaws
  20. CatnipQueen
  21. ClawCouture
  22. PreciousPurr
  23. MischiefMaker
  24. CalicoCutie
  25. PurrsonalityPlus
  26. SnugglySphinx

Funny Cat Usernames

  1. Cat-astrophe
  2. PurrfectlyClumsy
  3. WhiskerWarrior
  4. Mew-sicalMastermind
  5. PurritoBandito
  6. FelineFunnybone
  7. Cat-nipFreak
  8. Catzilla
  9. PawsitivelyPawsome
  10. Cat-titudeQueen
  11. FurrtasticTroublemaker
  12. MeowgicalMischief
  13. Cat-puccinoLover
  14. MewsicalGenius
  15. WhiskerWhiz
  16. Paw-somePunster
  17. Cat-egoricalJoker
  18. FelineFoodie
  19. Purr-nutButter
  20. Claw-someComedian
  21. MeowsterChef
  22. Cat-chyPaws
  23. PurrmaidPrincess
  24. FurryFelineFriend
  25. WhiskerWanderer
  26. Catlas

Gangster Cat Usernames

  1. WhiskerBoss
  2. TommyPaws
  3. FelixTheFixer
  4. MeowsterMind
  5. MafiaMeower
  6. TheFelineDon
  7. ScarfaceScratcher
  8. VitoClaws
  9. MrBigglesworth
  10. CatnipKingpin
  11. GangstaTabby
  12. Purrfectionist
  13. CoolCatCharlie
  14. BadKittyBoss
  15. ThePawFather
  16. CatBando
  17. RuffianTom
  18. StreetwiseWhiskers
  19. SnazzyPaws
  20. FelineEnforcer
  21. TomcatBoss
  22. ScarredKitty
  23. MrWhiskerMafia
  24. DonFurioso
  25. KittyVendetta
  26. CatBling

Good Cat Usernames

  1. PurrfectMeow
  2. WhiskerWonder
  3. FluffyFeline
  4. PawSitivity
  5. MeowMaster
  6. CatnipConnoisseur
  7. FiercePaws
  8. Purrsonality
  9. CreativeKitty
  10. CuddlyWhiskers
  11. MajesticMews
  12. PlayfulPawprints
  13. VelvetyVixen
  14. SlyStripes
  15. Champurri
  16. WhisperWhiskers
  17. FelineFantasy
  18. JazzPaws
  19. SnuggleSnaps
  20. CoolCatsRule
  21. GingerGalore
  22. CuriousKitten
  23. CatwalkChamp
  24. PouncePro
  25. GentlePurr
  26. SweetMew

Great Cat Usernames

  1. PurrfectlyMeow
  2. FelineFury
  3. WhiskerWonder
  4. PawsomePurrson
  5. MeowMaster
  6. CrazyCatLady(0_0)
  7. CatnipConnoisseur
  8. MajesticMouser
  9. KittyCuddler
  10. PouncePrincess
  11. CatWhisperer
  12. FuzzyFeline
  13. ClawedCompanion
  14. Meowvinator
  15. KittenKisser
  16. FierceFeline
  17. WhiskerWarrior
  18. CatConversation
  19. PurrfectPouncer
  20. CatladyForLife
  21. PlayfulPanther
  22. MeowgicMittens
  23. CatnipCraver
  24. CatChatterbox
  25. FurballFriend
  26. SneakySiamese

Grunge Cat Usernames

  1. ShadowClawz
  2. NightMeowt
  3. RustyFangs
  4. GrungeWhiskers
  5. TornKitty
  6. SlashPaws
  7. FeralFeline
  8. ChaosKitten
  9. ScreamingTabby
  10. GrimalkinGrunge
  11. RaggedyClaws
  12. RebelPurr
  13. GutterCat
  14. RoughMeower
  15. DriftwoodKitty
  16. RiotWhiskers
  17. JaggedFurball
  18. DreadedTomcat
  19. DirtyPaws
  20. GravelTail
  21. NoirMouser
  22. FrayedEars
  23. MangledKitten
  24. TangledWhiskers
  25. GrungyTiger

Male Cat Usernames

  1. WhiskerWarrior
  2. FelixPurrfect
  3. ShadowClaw
  4. TigerStripes
  5. SmokeyPaws
  6. LeoTheLion
  7. MaximusMeow
  8. OscarSharpclaw
  9. GizmoPounce
  10. BuddyWhiskers
  11. JasperFangs
  12. SimbaKing
  13. OliverKitty
  14. CharlieTomcat
  15. RockyPaws
  16. MaxwellScratch
  17. GingerCat
  18. LuckyWhiskers
  19. LeoJediCat
  20. SamuraiPaws
  21. MidnightShadow
  22. SimbaRuler
  23. CasperKitten
  24. OllieSharpclaw
  25. ZeusFeline
  26. BentleyMeows

Mythical Cat Usernames

  1. ShadowWhisker
  2. FirePouncer
  3. Moonclaw
  4. Thunderstrike
  5. StarryEyes
  6. SphinxMaster
  7. EnigmaTail
  8. WhisperingMist
  9. HarmonyPaws
  10. OracleFeline
  11. NightshadeMew
  12. CelestialPounce
  13. MagicianWhiskers
  14. MysticTiger
  15. ChaosClaws
  16. RuneCat
  17. AstralFeline
  18. GhostlyWhiskers
  19. PhoenixPaws
  20. MerlinCatter
  21. SorcererMews
  22. FairyTiger
  23. DragonWhiskers
  24. GriffinPouncer
  25. CentaurClaws
  26. PixiePaws
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New Cat Usernames

  1. WhiskerWarrior
  2. Purrrfectionist
  3. CatNinja
  4. FelineDreamer
  5. MajesticMeow
  6. CaptainCuddles
  7. PawssionatePouncer
  8. VelvetVixen
  9. EnchantingWhiskers
  10. FuzzyFantastic
  11. MischiefMaker
  12. SlyKitty
  13. PurrfectPaws
  14. CuriousCatnip
  15. CocoaCuddler
  16. PawsomePrincess
  17. GlamorousGato
  18. Meowvelous
  19. SnuggleMaster
  20. PawtyAnimal
  21. FluffyDivine
  22. CaptivatingClaw
  23. PurrfumeAddict
  24. MagicMouser
  25. DazzlingWhiskers
  26. Cattractiveness

One Word Cat Usernames

  1. Whiskers
  2. Meow
  3. Paws
  4. Feline
  5. Catnip
  6. Purr
  7. Claws
  8. Striker
  9. Mittens
  10. Shadow
  11. Gizmo
  12. Leo
  13. Nala
  14. Oscar
  15. Velvet
  16. Simba
  17. Luna
  18. Jasper
  19. Smokey
  20. Midnight
  21. Whiskey
  22. Bella
  23. Misty
  24. Salem
  25. Garfield

Cat Usernames FAQs

1. What are some creative cat usernames for my feline friend?

If you’re looking for creative cat usernames, here are some ideas to consider:

  • WhiskerWonder
  • PurrfectPal
  • FelineFiesta
  • CatnipConnoisseur
  • MeowMaster

2. Are there any cute cat usernames suitable for a playful kitten?

Absolutely! Here are a few cute cat usernames that would be perfect for a playful kitten:

  • PawPounce
  • BounceBall
  • MischiefMaker
  • WhiskerWiggles
  • FuzzyFrenzy

3. Are there any cat usernames inspired by famous cats in movies or books?

Yes, there are several cat usernames inspired by famous cats in movies and books. Here are some examples:

  • CheshireCat (from Alice in Wonderland)
  • Garfield (from the Garfield comics)
  • Salem (from Sabrina the Teenage Witch)
  • Simba (from The Lion King)
  • Luna (from Harry Potter)