450+ Star Wars Ewok names Ideas – Pick Your Favorite One

Welcome to a galaxy far, far away! In the iconic Star Wars universe, where battles for freedom and the power of the Force unfold, there are countless remarkable species and characters. Among these captivating beings are the lovable and furry Ewoks, those adorable teddy bear-like creatures from the forest moon of Endor. Whether you are a die-hard fan or simply intrigued by these pint-sized warriors, we have compiled an extensive list of over 400 Ewok names for your imagination to explore.

With unique personalities and a rich cultural backstory, Ewoks have captured the hearts of fans worldwide since their first appearance in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. These small, intelligent creatures have their own language, customs, and rich folklore, making them an enchanting addition to the Star Wars universe. Each Ewok has a distinct name that reflects their individuality, from brave warriors to curious forest dwellers, and even mischievous pranksters.

Are you in need of a creative name for your Star Wars tabletop role-playing character, or perhaps seeking inspiration for your next cosplay endeavor? Look no further! Our extensive list of over 400 Ewok names offers a wide range of options, incorporating the charming and whimsical nature of these iconic creatures. From traditional names rooted in Ewok culture to more imaginative choices, this compilation provides an abundance of choices to help you find the perfect name that resonates with your own Ewok alter ego.

So, whether you’re embarking on a new Star Wars adventure, playing a video game, or simply immersing yourself in the vast world of Ewoks, our collection of 400+ Star Wars Ewok names is here to spark your imagination and transport you to the enchanting forests of Endor. Let the naming journey begin!

Aesthetic Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Wíndrøse
  2. Ştellar
  3. Acørn
  4. Glimmər
  5. Twīnkle
  6. Møssy
  7. Quíver
  8. Fórrest
  9. Głowbug
  10. Šhade
  11. Flútteř
  12. Břamble
  13. Chírpy
  14. Píebald
  15. Wíglet
  16. Jęwel
  17. Rústle
  18. Whísp
  19. Mössblossom
  20. Tíny
  21. Shruúb
  22. Gōldpaws
  23. Spángle
  24. Búbbles
  25. Házy
  26. Whísker
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Baddie Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Shadowfang
  2. Nightshade
  3. Razorclaw
  4. Scorchfur
  5. Grimsnarl
  6. Viperstrike
  7. Bloodthorn
  8. Blackheart
  9. Twilightshadow
  10. Venomfang
  11. Scarletfang
  12. Gloomstrike
  13. Whisperwind
  14. Duskshadow
  15. Ravenshade
  16. Nightstalker
  17. Firespike
  18. Silverclaw
  19. Darkthorn
  20. Bloodmoon
  21. Shadowstrike
  22. Sablefur
  23. Ravenclaw
  24. Stormshadow
  25. Obsidianheart
  26. Ashenpaw

Best Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Wicket W. Warrick
  2. Logray the Mystic
  3. Teebo the Trapper
  4. Paploo the Scout
  5. Chirpa the Leader
  6. Nippet the Nimble
  7. Lumat the Wanderer
  8. Romba the Brave
  9. Widdle the Mischievous
  10. Wiley the Wise
  11. Graak the Jovial
  12. Kneesaa the Fearless
  13. Warok the Fierce
  14. Papoota the Curious
  15. Baga the Beautiful
  16. Latara the Songbird
  17. Leektar the Strong+
  18. Tummi the Healer
  19. Malani the Stealthy
  20. Kaink the Adventurous
  21. Nanta the Quick
  22. Linda the Loyal
  23. Mirinda the Bold
  24. Zalmbrar the Powerful
  25. Woonie the Energetic
  26. Brunel the Kindhearted

Catchy Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Wicket Warrick
  2. Pixki Moonshadow
  3. Pawpaw Thunderfoot
  4. Fluffikins Fuzzytoes
  5. Chirpik Nightwhisper
  6. Snugglepuff Sniffer
  7. Twiglet Starcrumb
  8. Honeydew Leafpaws
  9. Bramble Fernmuzzle
  10. Sharpclaw Thornberry
  11. Puddlefoot Glimmerstream
  12. Rustywhisker Swiftstripe
  13. Quillberry Sunbeam
  14. Nibblesparkle Barkblossom
  15. Glimmerglow Shimmerleaf
  16. Featherfluff Moonshadow
  17. Thistlebranch Bramblethorn
  18. Gingersnap Russetfoot
  19. Moonbeam Willowwhisker
  20. Twinkleberry Scuttlepaws
  21. Bristlefur Bramblefoot
  22. Rustleleaf Sunshadow
  23. Dewdrop Whiskersnatch
  24. Flameheart Swiftfoot
  25. Shadowpelt Quickstrike
  26. Stormcloud Thunderfoot

Chill Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Fuzzball
  2. Snuggles
  3. Whisper
  4. Giggles
  5. Honeydew
  6. Sunbeam
  7. Breezy
  8. Cozy
  9. Sprinkle
  10. Marshmallow
  11. Dandelion
  12. Twinkle
  13. Cupcake
  14. Pumpkin
  15. Serenity
  16. Feather
  17. Stardust
  18. Sunshine
  19. Tranquil
  20. Sweetpea
  21. Blossom
  22. Velvet
  23. Harmony
  24. Lullaby
  25. Glimmer
  26. Raindrop

Classy Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Wicket Wicketson
  2. Lum Lumrunner
  3. Flit Flitwood
  4. Chirpa Chirpsong
  5. Nippet Nippernose
  6. Teebo Treeborne
  7. Paploo Pawsniffer
  8. Weechee Weecheewalker
  9. Widdle Wobblewhiskers
  10. Logray Leafstepper
  11. Whittle Whittletail
  12. Shodu Shadowdancer
  13. Baga Baggleberry
  14. Latara Leafspring
  15. Romba Rootwalker
  16. Graak Greenspring
  17. Chukha Chukhafur
  18. Tippet Torntail
  19. Pirrin Pineberry
  20. Morag Mosswhisper
  21. Leeni Leafpaws
  22. Malani Moonshadow
  23. Fala Flickerfoot
  24. Savorite Sunspot
  25. Berry Bramblebush
  26. Boba Bobaloo
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Cool Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Wicket Warrick
  2. Lumat Eyre
  3. Chirpa Skryt
  4. Paploo Drigg
  5. Logray Naxx
  6. Teebo Flard
  7. Romba Fylx
  8. Chief Chubbs
  9. Willow Wexley
  10. Leektar Mook
  11. Poulco Rynn
  12. Tambor Flake
  13. Kneesaa Stryk
  14. Latara Misk
  15. Wisties Glim
  16. Thall Profi
  17. Asha Whisper
  18. Lula Dusk
  19. Mirinda Gleam
  20. Utomma Shadee
  21. Vinzil Starbright
  22. Xalton Moonbeam
  23. Yeddo Sunspark
  24. Zaurel Glitter
  25. Kovi Spindle

Creative Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Wicket Wokko
  2. Chirpa Chumdi
  3. Paploo Paws
  4. Widdle Wumpus
  5. Flit Flump
  6. Romba Ruddle
  7. Logray Lurgle
  8. Twitteri Twill
  9. Bozzee Bumps
  10. Cindal Craggle
  11. Kintika Klook
  12. Breezewoof Buzz
  13. Nicktack Nuzz
  14. Glimmerfur Gleam
  15. Twitchit Tumble
  16. Fizzpop Flick
  17. Flufflepaws Fiddlesticks
  18. Twinklewhisker Tangletoes
  19. Gleamberry Giggletwist
  20. Popplesnoot Puddlejumper
  21. Scrufflefluff Sniggersnatch
  22. Bramblefoot Bristlebop
  23. Splashsquirt Squeakleton
  24. Glistenberry Grumblegrin
  25. Ruffletooth Razzlefuzz
  26. Twisternoodle Tiffleblip

Creepy Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Grizzlok
  2. Xylophur
  3. Shadowclaw
  4. Scarefur
  5. Rattlenight
  6. Bloodmoon
  7. Fangsnarl
  8. Gloomgaze
  9. Creepwhisker
  10. Whisperbark
  11. Dreadpaw
  12. Nightshade
  13. Serpenttooth
  14. Bonesnapper
  15. Gravehowl
  16. Soulscreech
  17. Doomgnarl
  18. Wraithclaw
  19. Scarletshadow
  20. Skullcrusher
  21. Moonlighter
  22. Apparition
  23. Desolator
  24. Phantomstrike
  25. Ghoulgrin
  26. Hexfang

Cute Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Wicket W. Warrick
  2. Fluffybuns
  3. Snuggles
  4. Twiggy
  5. Wiggles
  6. Fuzzball
  7. Cuddles
  8. Paws
  9. Beary
  10. Nibbles
  11. Bramble
  12. Tiny
  13. Bonbon
  14. Munchkin
  15. Snickerdoodle
  16. Poof
  17. Bumbles
  18. Button
  19. Cocoa
  20. Whiskers
  21. Tippy
  22. Giggles
  23. Nuzzle
  24. Chirpy
  25. Sweetpea
  26. Puddle

Edgy Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Smashr
  2. Kyph3r
  3. Vexxer
  4. Razorklaw
  5. Twi$t
  6. Nyx
  7. Shado3
  8. Syren
  9. Grimm
  10. Wr3k
  11. Viper
  12. Ravage
  13. Scorch
  14. Blitz
  15. Ninj4
  16. Sab3r
  17. Drake
  18. Jinx
  19. Cypher
  20. V3nom
  21. Xile
  22. R4zor
  23. Zephyr
  24. Wisp
  25. Solstice
  26. Eclips3

Female Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Wicket
  2. Keebo
  3. Leia
  4. Flora
  5. Tebo
  6. Luna
  7. Kowak
  8. Willow
  9. Kira
  10. Nibs
  11. Ewofa
  12. Starla
  13. Chirpa
  14. Ivy
  15. Paploo
  16. Hazel
  17. Logray
  18. Astra
  19. Romba
  20. Daisy
  21. Windle
  22. Poppy
  23. Winda
  24. Rain
  25. Thistly
  26. Glimmer

Funny Star Wars Ewok names

  1. CuddlesMcFluffy
  2. Fuzzbutt88
  3. WickettheWarrior
  4. Ewokachu
  5. SnuggleBuns
  6. TinyTeddy
  7. EwoknRoll
  8. FurryFury
  9. JediJumper
  10. WokkieeTheEwok
  11. Fizzlespark
  12. CocoaPaws
  13. Ewokzilla
  14. MarshmallowMuncher
  15. FuzzyFiasco
  16. FlapFlapMcGee
  17. TwiggyMcSqueaks
  18. Chewbear
  19. Snickerdoodle
  20. WiggleWaggle
  21. Pawtastic
  22. HappyHugger
  23. TickleMeTwitch
  24. RollingRump
  25. Yubnubblingyippee
  26. SnuggleSnack

Gangster Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Chunky Knuckles
  2. Blazin’ Furball
  3. Sly Pickpocket
  4. Rapid Claw
  5. Vicious Whiskers
  6. Bloodshot Eyes
  7. Savage Fang
  8. Shadow Paws
  9. Rebel Rascal
  10. Boss Snickerdoodle
  11. Jabber the Jester
  12. Sneaky Bandit
  13. Gritty Grin
  14. Slasher Scamper
  15. Brawling Bolt
  16. Fierce Fez
  17. Marauder Munchkin
  18. Vengeful Voodoo
  19. Riot Rumble
  20. Blinky the Blade
  21. Cutter the Cunning
  22. Rogue Ninja
  23. Banjo the Bruiser
  24. Xeno the Enforcer
  25. Shank the Shrewd
  26. Havoc the Hooded

Good Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Wicket Warrick
  2. Chirpa Threepwood
  3. Paploo Starshaper
  4. Teebo Moonspinner
  5. Logray Shadowlurk
  6. Lumat Leafstride
  7. Weechee Bramblefoot
  8. Beezer Brambleclaw
  9. Mookie Nimblefingers
  10. Leektar Quickfoot
  11. Romba Softfur
  12. Tippet Branchwhisker
  13. Flitchee Willowsway
  14. Graak Greenleaf
  15. Winda Forestskip
  16. Rabin Medowlark
  17. Asha Fuzzysnout
  18. Wicket Wargleam
  19. Nubnub Barkcatcher
  20. Wistie Glowpetal
  21. Wokling Featherbrook
  22. Snootle Crystalglimmer
  23. Poppet Starwhisper
  24. Twitchtaw Humblestone
  25. Tumblebrim Springtail
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Great Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Kar’kii
  2. Narii
  3. Tiblit
  4. Keevra
  5. Pixnok
  6. Thrax
  7. Mishka
  8. Zixt
  9. Wicket
  10. Lummi
  11. Kazook
  12. Snikkle
  13. Teebo
  14. Razzam
  15. Gammaw
  16. Bixby
  17. Mirric
  18. Xank
  19. Tinrik
  20. Jik’anka
  21. Glyne
  22. Wigwit
  23. Zarbek
  24. Hazoon
  25. Twigwoo

Grunge Star Wars Ewok names

  1. GrungeWookiee69
  2. ShadowEwokX
  3. SavageEwok666
  4. RustyPawz
  5. BleedingTree
  6. AngstWalker
  7. TatteredFur
  8. BlackheartEwok
  9. WreckedWicket
  10. GloomyGlider
  11. ChaosChewie
  12. TornBark
  13. ShatteredFang
  14. GothicGlider
  15. SullenScout
  16. DoomedDangle
  17. RazorClaw
  18. BrokenBranch
  19. DreadfulDibber
  20. RebelRustler
  21. SorrowfulStump
  22. DismalDak
  23. TumblingTwig
  24. DesolateDrook
  25. LostLeaf
  26. NightmareNub

Male Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Wicket Warrick
  2. Paploo Teeklep
  3. Teebo Growldar
  4. Chirpa Nuggle
  5. Pabloo Hopples
  6. Logray Whiskerpaw
  7. Morag Wobbletoes
  8. Weechee Snarlpaw
  9. Ziprrek Chewbacca
  10. Mawhonic Flufftail
  11. Romba Fuzzypaws
  12. Pumaree Growledust
  13. Teebo Moonshadow
  14. Kaztroorz Warrick
  15. Slakk Salamander
  16. Bogog Jerbolta
  17. Tinpaw Ewokcutter
  18. Slugloaf Nettlebane
  19. Bristlepaw Nightwhisper
  20. Kazfar Splinterclaw
  21. Thicket Snapback
  22. Pipesqueak Willowtail
  23. Grumblor Fogfur
  24. Twigtoe Bramblethorn
  25. Stumpfoot Glimmertwig
  26. Rumblescar Moonbounce

Mythical Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Túklika
  2. Okka’tha
  3. Orr’raz
  4. Ẁǀn-Wrak
  5. Kíkk’kal
  6. Lǀnni’clock
  7. A’wok’lon
  8. Cǀrr’oway
  9. ZẀǀn-Ẁǀn
  10. L’thán’zu
  11. R’a’chík
  12. Nǀktíki
  13. XẀǀrr’ǂkau
  14. U’wuk’u’il
  15. Fǀsh’àg
  16. Wǀstik’luk
  17. Prǁmágem
  18. Sǂík’tró
  19. Bǀngu’hóc
  20. Jǁttíklan
  21. K’a’jik
  22. Ẁǁnn’thúk
  23. D’ǂo’lúk
  24. Ẁrámouklé
  25. Nǀndǀntéc
  26. Gǀnk’háka

New Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Wicket Warrick
  2. Pixi Munchkin
  3. Fluffikins Furfoot
  4. Glimmer Glitch
  5. Bristle Bark
  6. Sunny Sunberry
  7. Hazel Hoppington
  8. Fuzzle Puddlejumper
  9. Bramble Thornberry
  10. Whisper Willowisp
  11. Sparkle Snickerdoodle
  12. Nibbles Nutkins
  13. Splinter Foggyfoot
  14. Dusk Dreamberry
  15. Glimmerwind Gadget
  16. Pippin Willowbark
  17. Snuggle Snufflepaws
  18. Rumble Tumbletoes
  19. Snap Snaggletooth
  20. Bubble Whisperbark
  21. Jangle Moonshadow
  22. Glint Glimmernose
  23. Flare Quickfoot
  24. Zippy Starshine
  25. Fern Featherlock

One Word Star Wars Ewok names

  1. Wicket
  2. Paploo
  3. Logray
  4. Chirpa
  5. Leektar
  6. Latara
  7. Nippet
  8. Teebo
  9. Winda
  10. Teebo
  11. Shodu
  12. Malani
  13. Weechee
  14. Erpham
  15. Nanta
  16. Widdle
  17. Chubbray
  18. Kneesaa
  19. Baga
  20. Zephee
  21. Coby
  22. Kennel
  23. Winda
  24. Tibo
  25. Wadle
  26. Puchii

Star Wars Ewok names FAQs