450+ Jesus Usernames That Are Cute, Cool, Funny and Creative

Welcome to our article on 400+ Jesus usernames! If you’re looking for a unique and meaningful username that reflects your faith in Jesus Christ, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a devout Christian, a follower of Jesus, or just someone who wants to express their love for Him in the online world, we’ve got you covered with a wide variety of username ideas.

Choosing a username is an important decision, as it represents your online identity and can leave a lasting impression. With this extensive list of Jesus-inspired usernames, you’ll be able to find something that resonates with you, making a statement about your faith while also being memorable and creative.

Our curated collection includes a vast range of Jesus-related words, phrases, and concepts. From biblical references to inspirational quotes, we have usernames that celebrate the teachings, life, and love of Jesus. Whether you prefer something subtle and elegant or bold and impactful, our list has options for all tastes and preferences.

These usernames can be used on various online platforms such as social media, gaming, email addresses, or even as a screen name for virtual gatherings. Embrace your faith and let your username be a reflection of the joy and hope that Jesus brings to your life. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of 400+ Jesus usernames and find the perfect one for you!

Aesthetic Jesus Usernames

  1. GracefulSavior
  2. SacredLight
  3. HolyAura
  4. RadiantMessiah
  5. CrownofThorns
  6. SpiritualGuide
  7. MiracleWorker
  8. HeavenlyShepherd
  9. GospelBearer
  10. SonofGod
  11. HallowedOne
  12. SacramentalLove
  13. DivineGrace
  14. MajesticSavior
  15. SerenityPrayer
  16. TranscendentChrist
  17. GardenerofSouls
  18. ResurrectedKing
  19. SanctifiedSoul
  20. GentleLamb
  21. EverlastingFaith
  22. RedeemerofHearts
  23. SeekerofTruth
  24. BelovedSon
  25. CrucifiedLove
  26. RisenLord
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Baddie Jesus Usernames

  1. BloodySacrifice
  2. CrucifixSin
  3. HolyRebelX
  4. DemonicSavior
  5. DarkDivinity
  6. SavageMessiah
  7. WickedChrist
  8. SinfulSalvation
  9. RuthlessRedeemer
  10. HeavenlyMenace
  11. DiabolicalJesus
  12. PureEvilGod
  13. LuciferianSavior
  14. InfernalBlessing
  15. CursedCrucifix
  16. DivineDevil
  17. SatanicSavior
  18. DamnedMessiah
  19. HellishHoliness
  20. MalevolentMiracle
  21. UnholyRisen
  22. VengefulChrist
  23. DreadfulDeliverer
  24. PandemoniumJesus
  25. MaleficentSavior

Best Jesus Usernames

  1. JesusSaves
  2. SonofGod
  3. CrucifixKing
  4. HolySavior
  5. RedeemerJesus
  6. ChosenOne
  7. DivineMessiah
  8. HeavenlyChrist
  9. MiracleWorker
  10. SonofMan
  11. JesusFreak
  12. TheLivingWord
  13. KingofKings
  14. LordandSavior
  15. GodsBeloved
  16. AnointedOne
  17. HallelujahJesus
  18. PrinceofPeace
  19. ResurrectedKing
  20. AlphaandOmega
  21. HolySpiritJesus
  22. LightoftheWorld
  23. SonofDavid
  24. RisenChrist
  25. GraceandTruth
  26. BreadofLife

Catchy Jesus Usernames

  1. J3susL0v3r
  2. ChristFanatic
  3. HallelujahJesus
  4. S3rvingJesus
  5. S@vedbyJesus
  6. Pray4S@lvation
  7. CrucifixCrusader
  8. B@ptizedInJesus
  9. JesusFollower25
  10. MiracleMaker
  11. BornAgainBeliever
  12. S@viorSquad
  13. HolySpiritFill3d
  14. Living4Christ
  15. JesusTh3R3d33m3r
  16. GraceGiv3r
  17. Cr@ssCrucifixion
  18. R3stor3rOfFaith
  19. MessiahMode
  20. Th3WayTruthLife
  21. LightOfTh3World
  22. R3joicingInChrist
  23. F@ithfulFollower
  24. BloodOfLamb
  25. HallelujahHealer
  26. Resurr3ctionRockstar

Chill Jesus Usernames

  1. ChillJesus22
  2. J3$$u5Ch1ll
  3. CoolSaviour
  4. JesusVibes
  5. ChillMasterJ
  6. DivineRelaxation
  7. SereneSavior
  8. TranquilChrist
  9. ZenMessiah
  10. MajesticChill
  11. RelaxedSonofGod
  12. CalmAndHoly
  13. ChillModeJesus
  14. SerenitySavior
  15. HeavenlyChiller
  16. JesusChills
  17. LaidbackMessiah
  18. PeacefulRedeemer
  19. ChillinWithJesus
  20. SpiritualSerenity
  21. CosmicChill
  22. BlissfulSavior
  23. TranquilDivine
  24. CoolCalmJesus
  25. ChillOutwithChrist
  26. RelaxationRevelation

Classy Jesus Usernames

  1. JesúsSavior
  2. SpiritOfChrist
  3. DivineMessiah
  4. KingOfKings
  5. TrinityBlessed
  6. HumbleShepherd
  7. SonOfGod
  8. GraceUnlimited
  9. HeavenlyLight
  10. CrossBearer
  11. MiracleWorker
  12. RedeemerForever
  13. SacredHeart
  14. SonOfMan
  15. HolySpiritFire
  16. BreadOfLife
  17. DivineLove
  18. HealerAbundant
  19. TrueFaith
  20. VictoriousInChrist
  21. MightyRedeemer
  22. LordAndSavior
  23. ResurrectedHope
  24. CrownedWithGlory
  25. ShepherdOfSouls

Cool Jesus Usernames

  1. SonofGod
  2. CrossBearer
  3. HolySavior
  4. MessiahKing
  5. SpiritWarrior
  6. ChristLove
  7. Redeemer777
  8. GraceOverflow
  9. DivineLight
  10. JesusFreak
  11. LordHealer
  12. KingofKings
  13. SonofMan
  14. EverlastingWord
  15. HolyGhostFire
  16. SalvationRoad
  17. RisenLamb
  18. MiracleWorker
  19. SacredHeart
  20. LivingWater
  21. ResurrectionPower
  22. NailedtotheCross
  23. HallelujahPraise
  24. CarpenterKing
  25. EternalLove
  26. AlphaandOmega

Creative Jesus Usernames

  1. SaviorOfSouls
  2. ChristIsLord
  3. DivineMessiah
  4. HolyRedeemer
  5. CrucifiedKing
  6. HeavenlyShepherd
  7. BlessedSonofGod
  8. MiracleWorker
  9. PrinceofPeace
  10. ResurrectedOne
  11. RisenSavior
  12. LoveIncarnate
  13. DivineLight
  14. GracefulSavior
  15. JesusChristisLove
  16. RedeemingSacrifice
  17. HeavenlyFather’sSon
  18. EverlastingHope
  19. CarpenterofFaith
  20. SonofMan
  21. LambofGod
  22. GoodShepherd
  23. LivingWater
  24. KingofKings
  25. SonofDavid
  26. CrucifiedLamb

Creepy Jesus Usernames

  1. S3rph3nt0fSacr1F1c3
  2. D3m0n1cSav1or
  3. BloodyM3ss1Ah
  4. Cruc1f1x3dN1ghtm4r3
  5. S0ulE4t3rJ35us
  6. Gh0stlyD1v1n3
  7. WickedSav1or
  8. D4rkM3ss1Ah
  9. Und3adChr1st
  10. Pur3Ev1lD3v0t33
  11. N4il3dR3d33m3r
  12. C4r3ss3r0fSh4d0ws
  13. S1n1st3rS3rp3nt
  14. H4llb0undM3ss1Ah
  15. M0urnfulD3ity
  16. G0r3yR3v3r3nd
  17. Cr33pyCruci4l
  18. Bur13dPur1ty
  19. Ph4nt0mH3r0
  20. T0rnm3nt3dS4v1or
  21. S4cr3dF41lur3
  22. W4k3dD3m1g0d
  23. H4ll1shMartyr
  24. D4mn3dD1v1n1ty
  25. Th3Unh01yMess1Ah
  26. R3v3r3nd0fTh3N3th3r

Cute Jesus Usernames

  1. SweetSavior
  2. AngelOfLove
  3. HeavenlyHeart
  4. DivineDarling
  5. BlessedBeliever
  6. JoyfulJesus
  7. HolyHugger
  8. SacredSmiler
  9. GentleShepherd
  10. PeacefulPal
  11. MiracleMaker
  12. WonderfulWorshipper
  13. GracefulGiver
  14. LovingLamb
  15. SonOfLight
  16. CherishedChild
  17. PurePardoner
  18. CaringCreator
  19. RisenKing
  20. Unconditional_♥️
  21. PreciousSon
  22. EternalEmbrace
  23. AdoredSavior
  24. TenderTeacher
  25. HealingHand
  26. BelovedSacrifice
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Edgy Jesus Usernames

  1. J3susWarrior
  2. Sacr3dRevolution
  3. Crucif1xSlayer
  4. Hol3yInferno
  5. Sav10rOfDarkness
  6. MessiahofChaos
  7. Th3Ap0stle
  8. Divin3Infidel
  9. Blasph3mousChrist
  10. RadicalR3deemer
  11. Judgm3ntD3aler
  12. Cr0ssR0gue
  13. Ch1ld0fLucifer
  14. MiraculousRebel
  15. D3monicSav10r
  16. B1t3rsweetResurrection
  17. HolyDev1ant
  18. Unh0lyM3ssiah
  19. SaintlyM1sfit
  20. Cr1msonCrucifix
  21. DamnedDivinity
  22. SinfulRedemption
  23. Forg0ttenSalvation
  24. Crusad3r0fNight
  25. AnarchyApostle
  26. H3llboundH3aler

Female Jesus Usernames

  1. JesusLoverGirl
  2. DivineLady
  3. HolySavioress
  4. GracefulJesus
  5. MiracleMaiden
  6. SacredQueen
  7. FaithfulFemme
  8. ChristFollowHer
  9. BlessedBabe
  10. HeavenlyHeroine
  11. RedeemingWoman
  12. DevotedDisciple
  13. MessianicLady
  14. ResurrectedQueen
  15. SalvationSister
  16. RisenRose
  17. AnointedGoddess
  18. JesusJoyful
  19. HallelujahGirl
  20. CrossBeareress
  21. RedeemedDamsel
  22. SavedSister
  23. BelovedBride
  24. ChristConqueror
  25. KingdomWorshiper
  26. HolySpiritWoman

Funny Jesus Usernames

  1. JesusLovesDadJokes
  2. HolyHumorist
  3. CheesySavior
  4. JesusFishSlapper
  5. ComicCarpenter
  6. DivinePrankster
  7. MiracleMirth
  8. SonOfPuns
  9. SaintlyStandup
  10. LaughingMessiah
  11. JokerOfNazareth
  12. HeavenlyJester
  13. ChucklingChrist
  14. LordOfLaughs
  15. DivineGiggler
  16. RisusChristi (Latin for “Laughter of Christ”)
  17. PunnyProphet
  18. CheekyCarpenter
  19. HilariousMessiah
  20. GrinAndSaviorIt
  21. SmilingNazarene
  22. GuffawingGod
  23. WittyWonder
  24. JestfulJesus
  25. RolyPolyRabbi
  26. HolyJokester

Gangster Jesus Usernames

  1. JC MobsterGod
  2. JesusTheDon
  3. GangstaJ
  4. JC_SinCity
  5. TheHolyMobster
  6. Gun-totingMessiah
  7. LordofThugs
  8. JesusSoprano
  9. BadboySavior
  10. MessiahGangsta
  11. ThePiousPistolero
  12. TheReverendReaper
  13. JesusCartel
  14. HolyHitman
  15. DivineDons
  16. GospelGangster
  17. ThePacifierVigilante
  18. SaintlySicario
  19. CapoJesus
  20. DivineEnforcer
  21. TheHolyHustler
  22. RighteousRacketeer
  23. JesusTheJoker
  24. ThugLifeMessiah
  25. SacredScarface
  26. HeavenlyHoodlum

Good Jesus Usernames

  1. SonOfGod123
  2. HolySavior7
  3. JesusLovesYou*
  4. KingOfKings_
  5. Redeemer77
  6. HeavenlyLight*
  7. Messiah2021
  8. JesusFreak*
  9. Lamb_of_God*
  10. SonOfMan_
  11. PrinceOfPeace7
  12. SaviorOfSouls
  13. HolyCross*
  14. RisenFromDead
  15. ChristTheKing_
  16. GraceandMercy*
  17. BornofVirgin
  18. DivineLove*
  19. HolySpirit7
  20. LivingWater*
  21. AlphaandOmega_
  22. LordofLords2021
  23. ImmanuelGod*
  24. BloodofLamb
  25. SonofDavid_
  26. HolyTrinity7

Great Jesus Usernames

  1. Son_of_God
  2. King_of_Kings
  3. Messiah_2021
  4. Holy_Spirit
  5. Redeemer777
  6. Savior_Forever
  7. JesusLovesYou
  8. ChristIsRisen
  9. JesusIsLord
  10. Grace_and_Mercy
  11. The_Light_of_World
  12. Prince_of_Peace
  13. Cross_Bearer
  14. HeavenlySavior
  15. Alpha_and_Omega
  16. Joyful_Jesus
  17. Faithful_Shepherd
  18. Resurrection_Life
  19. Son_of_Man
  20. Crucified_Savior
  21. Miracle_Worker
  22. Divine_Healer
  23. Everlasting_Love
  24. Good_Shepherd
  25. Amazing_Grace1
  26. True_Vine

Grunge Jesus Usernames

  1. GrungeSavior
  2. XxNirvanaChristxX
  3. DarkMessiah
  4. GrungeProphet69
  5. JesusInRippedJeans
  6. GothicJesus
  7. SmellsLikeMessiah
  8. DirtyDivinity
  9. GrungeGodfather
  10. SaintOfSorrow
  11. CobainChrist
  12. CrucifiedRebel
  13. GrungeSacrifice
  14. JesusWithAttitude
  15. TheGrungeMessiah
  16. BlasphemousSavior
  17. RevolutionaryJesus
  18. DistortedDivinity
  19. ForgottenMessiah
  20. RebelliousProphet
  21. GrungeMessiah666
  22. RebornInGrunge
  23. DoomedSavior
  24. XxGrungeJesusxX
  25. MessiahOfMisfit
  26. TornSalvation

Male Jesus Usernames

  1. Jesus_The_Savior
  2. Son_of_God
  3. Divine_Messiah
  4. J.C._The_Anointed
  5. King_of_Kings
  6. Heavenly_Lamb
  7. Jesus_of_Nazareth
  8. Christ_the_Redeemer
  9. Son_of_Man
  10. Alpha_and_Omega
  11. Jesus_The_Way
  12. Prince_of_Peace
  13. Miracle_Worker
  14. Wonderful_Counselor
  15. Holy_Spirit_Aligner
  16. Jesus_The_Graceful
  17. Son_of_David
  18. Risen_King
  19. Emmanuel_God_With_Us
  20. Jesus_The_Light
  21. Son_of_Righteousness
  22. Bread_of_Life
  23. Jesus_The_Rock
  24. Savior_Of_Mankind
  25. Divine_Healer
  26. The_Waymaker

Mythical Jesus Usernames

  1. J3susTh3M3ssi@h
  2. Divin3S@vi0r
  3. H0lyR3d33m3r
  4. Chr1stth3K1ng
  5. Th3S@v1our
  6. H3av3nlyL4mb
  7. M3ss1@h0fH0p3
  8. S@cr3dH3@rt
  9. Th3L0rd0fLight
  10. Th3D3st1nyM@k3r
  11. R3surr3ct3dOn3
  12. Th3W@yth3Truthth3Life
  13. H@ilJ3susChrist
  14. M3ss3ng3r0fG0d
  15. Th3On3Wh0S@v3s
  16. G0dth3S0n
  17. Anc13ntL1on0fJud4h
  18. Th3W@sh3dL@mb
  19. Th3S@int3dOn3
  20. Th3Mir@cl3W0rk3r
  21. Th3F1rstth3L@st
  22. L1ght0fth3W0rld
  23. Th3MightyM3ssi@h
  24. Th3R3d33m1ngKing
  25. M0rn1ngSt@rR1s3n
  26. H0lySpr1ng0fLif3
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New Jesus Usernames

  1. J3susL0v3r
  2. S@viorOfSouls
  3. H0lyL@m6
  4. BlessedByJ3sus
  5. Chr1stF0ll0wer
  6. H@nd6OfGod
  7. H3avenlyM3ss3nger
  8. G0spelPr3@cher
  9. Cr0ssB3@r3r
  10. Mir@cl3W0rk3r
  11. F@ithfulD1sciple
  12. L0rdAndS@vi0r
  13. S@cr3dHeart
  14. R3d33m3rOfS1n
  15. H3@venlyKing
  16. Ch0s3nBys Gr@c3
  17. G00dSh3ph3rd
  18. R3surr3ct3dKing
  19. S@v@ntOfGod
  20. HolyTrinit3s
  21. MightyJehov@h
  22. Div1neM3ssiah
  23. Princ3OfP3ace
  24. L@mbOfG0d
  25. Th3W@yTh3TruthTheLife

One Word Jesus Usernames

  1. JesusLover
  2. SonOfGod
  3. Savior
  4. Believer
  5. Messiah
  6. Redeemer
  7. KingOfKings
  8. LordOfAll
  9. HolySpirit
  10. AlphaOmega
  11. MiracleWorker
  12. PrinceOfPeace
  13. FaithfulOne
  14. Immanuel
  15. LambOfGod
  16. RisenOne
  17. HeavenlyKing
  18. WordMadeFlesh
  19. LightOfWorld
  20. ChristIsAlive
  21. GraceGiver
  22. GoodShepherd
  23. VictoriousOne
  24. Resurrector
  25. BloodOfLamb
  26. Hallelujah

Jesus Usernames FAQs

FAQ #1: What are some popular Jesus usernames?

Here are some popular Jesus usernames that you can consider:

  • SaviorOfSouls
  • JesusLovesYou
  • SonOfGod
  • GracefulMessiah
  • KingOfKings

FAQ #2: Are there any unique Jesus usernames?

Absolutely! If you’re looking for something unique, here are a few suggestions:

  • RedeemingSpirit
  • HumbleShepherd
  • BlessedSavior
  • MiracleWorker
  • DivineLight

FAQ #3: How can I create my own Jesus username?

If you want to create your own Jesus username, consider incorporating biblical references or qualities associated with Jesus into your username. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • JesusFollowerXX
  • FaithfulDisciple
  • LambOfGod_
  • DailyBreadProvider
  • CrossBearer123

Remember to choose a username that resonates with your faith and personal connection with Jesus.