450+ Troll Names Ideas- Pick Your Favorite One

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on troll names! Whether you’re an avid fantasy writer, an avid gamer, or simply someone who enjoys creating unique and interesting characters, this article is here to provide you with over 400 troll names to inspire your imagination. Known for their brutish strength, mischievous nature, and unique physical features, trolls are a common presence in folklore, mythology, and various fantasy worlds.

Trolls are often portrayed as formidable enemies or integral allies, adding depth and excitement to any adventure. Naming your troll characters is an important aspect of fleshing out their personalities and backgrounds, allowing you to fully immerse yourself and others in the fantasy world you’ve crafted. Whether you prefer traditional, rugged names or something that embodies the quirkiness of these creatures, this compilation has you covered with a vast array of options.

From rugged and fearsome names that reflect their imposing nature to whimsical and mischievous names that capture their playful side, there’s something for every type of troll character in this extensive list. Whether your trolls inhabit deep, dark forests, mystical caves, or treacherous mountain ranges, you’ll find a name that suits their environment and story.

So, dive into this vast collection of troll names and embark on a journey to find the perfect name for your troll character. We hope this resource sparks your creativity and helps you bring your fantastic world to life. Let the naming adventure begin!

Aesthetic Troll Names

  1. Færlök
  2. Øbsîdîån
  3. Şyłvêŗmøøň
  4. Äcïdłøtűş
  5. Ðrěámżłap
  6. Čhęrrÿßløşşøm
  7. Vøłtæģę
  8. Głøwstïçkž
  9. Ŧwįłïghtŷ
  10. İřídêşčęñt
  11. Şpäřklíñgżøüł
  12. Ħøněÿdřöp
  13. Şůñfløwęřž
  14. ẞmøkîñgHøt
  15. llümįnâti
  16. Şøłårßęąmš
  17. FløwęřPøwęř
  18. Ŧrøłłïfîčāţīøñ
  19. ŌceaňŅympħ
  20. Ştąřłïğĥţ
  21. Ďręåmčãťçhêř
  22. ČęıřûşHęąđš
  23. ŞwëëţįęşţMøøń
  24. Ënęŕgýßłẗż
  25. Ŋøčţûřŋåţæş
  26. ÐęmøňįċÞøwęř
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Baddie Troll Names

  1. Grimmlok
  2. Xulshar
  3. Shadowbane
  4. Slythorn
  5. Drekskul
  6. Nightshade
  7. Malgore
  8. Morgrax
  9. Skullcrusher
  10. Razorfang
  11. Gloomstrike
  12. Bloodspike
  13. Frostbite
  14. Thornwhisper
  15. Sinistra
  16. Blightfang
  17. Ravenshard
  18. Gorehowl
  19. Doombringer
  20. Darkheart
  21. Chaosbane
  22. Vileblood
  23. Scorchfang
  24. Cruelmaw
  25. Blackthorn
  26. Hexfire

Best Troll Names

  1. CyberTroll69
  2. Trolldor
  3. SneakyJester
  4. ShadowMischief
  5. Gigglesnark
  6. RogueRascal
  7. ChaosPrankster
  8. JokerByte
  9. SlySaboteur
  10. TricksterImp
  11. MaliciousGnome
  12. DeviousShade
  13. RascalRider
  14. BratMaster
  15. SneerGrin
  16. PunkPest
  17. TwistedPixie
  18. CynicalClown
  19. MischiefMonger
  20. InsidiousFool
  21. PranksterPhantom
  22. SnarkyImpulse
  23. RogueDoppelganger
  24. ChucklesShadow
  25. CleverMuddle
  26. DiabolicalTrickster

Catchy Troll Names

  1. FearlessFire
  2. GloomGoblin
  3. SneakyShadow
  4. ChaosChomper
  5. SparklePunch
  6. WhisperWhirl
  7. RogueRat
  8. FrostbiteFang
  9. ShadowStorm
  10. DoomScales
  11. SlySmirk
  12. BaneBlade
  13. CrazyClaws
  14. NightmareNinja
  15. TwistedTooth
  16. TrickyTail
  17. BlazeBrawler
  18. HauntingHowl
  19. SteelSpine
  20. MysteryMischief
  21. DarkDrifter
  22. FierceFangs
  23. SavageSnicker
  24. PsychoPounce
  25. RuthlessRipper
  26. ShadowStrike

Chill Troll Names

  1. ChillTr0ll
  2. SnowFl4ke
  3. FrostByte
  4. IceD3vil
  5. GelidGrin
  6. Shiverfest
  7. BlizzardB0i
  8. ChillyChuckles
  9. GlooMancer
  10. Chillaxer
  11. ArcticJester
  12. FrozenFreak
  13. IcyImp
  14. CoolioChaos
  15. ArcticAdventurer
  16. SnowyScoundrel
  17. ChillNinja
  18. IcicleGrimace
  19. SleetStriker
  20. SnowyZephyr
  21. IcebergBandit
  22. GelidGiggler
  23. PolarPrankster
  24. ChillaxChampion
  25. SlushSlayer
  26. BlizzardWiz

Classy Troll Names

  1. LordStormrider
  2. LadyMoonshadow
  3. SirIronclad
  4. MistressRavenhearst
  5. CountDarkheart
  6. DameSerpentbane
  7. BaronessShadowfax
  8. MarquisSilverthorn
  9. DuchessMoonstone
  10. SirNightshade
  11. LadySilverdragon
  12. CountessScarletrose
  13. SirVortexbane
  14. MistressObsidian
  15. BaronSablewind
  16. LadyEmberstorm
  17. MarquessShadowfang
  18. DuchessAuroraskye
  19. SirGrimoire
  20. LadyMidnightblue
  21. CountTwilightmist
  22. DameCelestialsong
  23. BaronessVelvetdusk
  24. MarquisOnyxheart
  25. DukeStormbringer
  26. DuchessEbonysnow

Cool Troll Names

  1. ShadowstalkerX
  2. NightmareGrim
  3. BlazeFury
  4. SoulSnatcher
  5. Razorlash
  6. DarklingX
  7. Frostbitezz
  8. Doomstrider
  9. ChaosReign
  10. Blackhearted
  11. Viperstrike
  12. Grimlock
  13. Dravenix
  14. Thundercrush
  15. Deathwhisper
  16. Hexbreaker
  17. Shadowbane
  18. Wraithborne
  19. ObsidianSoul
  20. Shockwavez
  21. Voidreaver
  22. Skullcrusher
  23. Runeblade
  24. Bloodfang
  25. Eclipsefall
  26. Sinisternight

Creative Troll Names

  1. Snickerdoodle69
  2. MischiefMakerX
  3. Gigglesnort1138
  4. ShadowWhisperer
  5. TrollMasterFlex
  6. BamboozlerExtraordinaire
  7. KhaosKing
  8. GoblinGrin666
  9. PranksterPro
  10. SneakyPickle
  11. BansheeHowler
  12. CunningDevil
  13. RascalRingleader
  14. FearlessFool
  15. WhimsicalTroublemaker
  16. JesterJinx
  17. PixiePunk
  18. DreadHavoc
  19. Troublefairy
  20. VexingVillain
  21. MischievousGnome
  22. GleefulGrunter
  23. ChaosConductor
  24. TricksterKingpin
  25. SlySmirk

Creepy Troll Names

  1. Grimmshadow
  2. Bloodbane
  3. Hollowgaze
  4. Shadowfang
  5. Darkhowl
  6. Soulreaper
  7. Dreadscar
  8. Blackthorn
  9. Nightshade
  10. Creepthorn
  11. Skullchomper
  12. Whisperblood
  13. Gloomsong
  14. Gravemourn
  15. Deathshade
  16. Voodoothorn
  17. Goregrin
  18. Shadowfury
  19. Blightcaller
  20. Malicefang
  21. Nightmarecloak
  22. Rottenheart
  23. Gravechill
  24. Darkspell
  25. Hexweaver
  26. Rotgut

Cute Troll Names

  1. SprinklezX
  2. Giggleswirl
  3. PixiePaws
  4. FuzzyFizz
  5. SillySnicker
  6. WhiskerWinks
  7. BubbleBop
  8. PookieSnoot
  9. JingleJiggle
  10. SugarSpark
  11. SquigglezNose
  12. TwinkleToes
  13. GummyGiggler
  14. SchnozzelBerry
  15. Ticklewhiskers
  16. BopperBoop
  17. BouncyBumble
  18. WiggleWobble
  19. Chucklesnort
  20. NibbleNose
  21. SnickerDoodle
  22. JellyBeanJig
  23. SquishySnoot
  24. MuffinMunch
  25. DoodleBug
  26. WiggleWiggle
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Edgy Troll Names

  1. ShadowSniperX
  2. DemonDagger
  3. BloodlustBrute
  4. RavageReaper
  5. ChaosConqueror
  6. SoulShredder
  7. WickedWitch
  8. NightmareNinja
  9. SkullCrusher
  10. DreadfulDestroyer
  11. VenomVixen
  12. CrypticCarnage
  13. ViciousVandal
  14. SinisterSlayer
  15. MysticMayhem
  16. GraveyardGhoul
  17. TwistedTemptress
  18. MalevolentMagician
  19. DiabolicalDaredevil
  20. CreepyCrawler
  21. Spine-chillingSorcerer
  22. InsidiousInferno
  23. PhantomPhenomenon
  24. EerieExecutioner
  25. SavageShadow
  26. PsychoPuppeteer

Female Troll Names

  1. Trolinda
  2. Grimelda
  3. Briarwarg
  4. Gnarlinda
  5. Thornessa
  6. Hazelgnaw
  7. Grotalia
  8. Spikelette
  9. Bloodina
  10. Clawtilda
  11. Stonella
  12. Mossberry
  13. Snarla
  14. Ragthorn
  15. Thistlelina
  16. Fangwina
  17. Rubblette
  18. Grubella
  19. Ironjaw
  20. Plunderella
  21. Bristlehilda
  22. Smoketalon
  23. Rockgrinder
  24. Shadefang
  25. Nettlethorn
  26. Quakesta

Funny Troll Names

  1. B4dAzzTr0ll
  2. TrollMaster69
  3. L33tPrankster
  4. PwnageGoblin
  5. SneakyTrollface
  6. JesterJoker
  7. ChucklesMcGee
  8. PicklesThePrankster
  9. MischievousImp
  10. TroublemakerExtraordinaire
  11. Fizzlesnort
  12. GiggleMonster
  13. TickleDragon
  14. SassySasquatch
  15. GuffawWizard
  16. JollyJapester
  17. WhimsicalWitch
  18. RascalRogue
  19. TeeheeTornado
  20. KnockKnockNinja
  21. PrankLuckCharm
  22. MirthfulMalcontent
  23. PunsterPuck
  24. QuirkQuibbler
  25. ImpishInstigator

Gangster Troll Names

  1. T0ughC0bra
  2. ScarF@ce
  3. Bl@ckWid0w
  4. Viper_Boss
  5. The_Enf0rcer
  6. Bullet_H@ng
  7. M@chete_Mafi0so
  8. CrazyG@ngster
  9. S1lent_Ass@ssin
  10. Knuckle_Duster
  11. R@ging_Bull3t
  12. Iron_Fist
  13. Sm0ke_Scr3am
  14. Slaught3rhouse
  15. Fury_Fi3nd
  16. Grim_R3@per
  17. Ch@otic_Ch@mp
  18. Po1s0nIvy
  19. V3nom0us
  20. DeadlyShad0ws
  21. H0tHeaded_G@ngster
  22. Ins@neH@voc
  23. Sl@ughterKing
  24. Knif3M@n
  25. Rev0lt_Ruler
  26. B@ckAll3yButch3r

Good Troll Names

  1. Z3r0C00L
  2. S1lv3rD3v1l
  3. Gn0m3Sl4y3r
  4. F1r3B4ll
  5. D4rkn1ght
  6. Po1s0nIvy
  7. R4g3Qu33n
  8. CyberW1z4rd
  9. Myst1cMaraud3r
  10. Bl4z3D3m0n
  11. ChaosEngine
  12. Sn1p3rElt3
  13. D00mBr1ng3r
  14. Thund3rB1t3
  15. W1tchD0ct0r
  16. Sm4shM4st3r
  17. Dr4g0nSl4y3r
  18. Spl1nt3rC3ll
  19. R4venShad0w
  20. F34rL3ssR0gu3
  21. W4rlockS0ul
  22. BloodS0ng
  23. Sh4d0wC4st3r
  24. N1ghtSt4lker
  25. D3v1l1shD3m1s3
  26. Inf3rn0Lord

Great Troll Names

  1. Sprigga the Mischievous
  2. Blightbane the Trickster
  3. Gloomshadow the Prankster
  4. Hexfire the Jester
  5. Razorfang the Mischief-maker
  6. Gloomglimmer the Troller
  7. Thornstrike the Riddler
  8. Spikejaw the Tantalizer
  9. Whisperwhip the Troller
  10. Shadeclaw the Puzzler
  11. Thistlethorn the Impish
  12. Sneerstrike the Teaser
  13. Tickletail the Rascal
  14. Banebrew the Troublemaker
  15. Grimshard the Deceiver
  16. Nightwhisper the Pranker
  17. Shadowpounce the Troll Master
  18. Miserymirth the Hoaxer
  19. Gabblegloom the Enchanter
  20. Whirlwind the Troller
  21. Fluxclaw the Quizmaster
  22. Sparklesnare the Jokester
  23. Bramblenaught the Troll King
  24. Snickerdoodle the Trickster
  25. Gloomfang the Prankster
  26. Razormock the Mischief-maker

Grunge Troll Names

  1. ThrashMaster666
  2. GloomyGoblin
  3. ChaosQueen
  4. RottenSkull
  5. DoomsdayDeviant
  6. NightmareNinja
  7. GrimReaper666
  8. SludgeSiren
  9. ShadowStriker
  10. RustyRavager
  11. WickedWraith
  12. GraveyardGuru
  13. BloodshedBanshee
  14. DarkDragon
  15. ChainsawChaos
  16. ToxicTerror
  17. MorbidMarauder
  18. BoneBruiser
  19. CreepyCrawler
  20. SkullKing
  21. RavagedSoul
  22. BlackWidow666
  23. ShadowSlash
  24. SickeningSorcerer
  25. VileVandal
  26. DesolateDestroyer
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Male Troll Names

  1. Grogar the Mighty
  2. Kragnok
  3. Smashface
  4. Thragg
  5. Gruggor
  6. Bloodaxe
  7. Snarltooth
  8. Grimshank
  9. Splintertusk
  10. Rokthar
  11. Zogrek
  12. Skullcrusher
  13. Nightshade
  14. Brutus
  15. Ironjaw
  16. Bladefist
  17. Thornback
  18. Shadowclaw
  19. Razorbhog
  20. Stonebreaker
  21. Skragnash
  22. Dreadmaw
  23. Bloodhoof
  24. Doomsnarl
  25. Blackthorn
  26. Gorefang

Mythical Troll Names

  1. Grimnok
  2. Nyxug
  3. Bolgar
  4. Skarnash
  5. Gloombane
  6. Thundrox
  7. Sylphora
  8. Kragglok
  9. Shadowthorn
  10. Grimclaw
  11. Morgalor
  12. Duskfang
  13. Azgaroth
  14. Vexxar
  15. Drakonis
  16. Gloombringer
  17. Bloodgore
  18. Gnarlroot
  19. Drearymaw
  20. Cinderjaw
  21. Venomstrike
  22. Thornspire
  23. Rustjaw
  24. Skullcrusher
  25. Frostclaw
  26. Plagueshadow

New Troll Names

  1. SkinD3mon
  2. Grimmst1ng
  3. NightshadeX
  4. TrollM4ster
  5. ShadowSlayer
  6. Dreadfang
  7. ChaosB1te
  8. GloomyG0blin
  9. HexM1st3r
  10. R4zorTusk
  11. TwistedSm1le
  12. VenomousV1llain
  13. DarkMarauder
  14. JinxedPuppet
  15. ZephyrH8r
  16. MalevolentJ3ster
  17. Slyth3r1n
  18. EnigmaSpawn
  19. WickedWhisper
  20. FearD3aler
  21. BaneBringer
  22. ChaosW4rrior
  23. DireFang
  24. NightmareK1ng
  25. Sinist3rShadow
  26. Rav3nous

One Word Troll Names

  1. Gloom
  2. Shadow
  3. Brute
  4. Ravage
  5. Abyss
  6. Jinx
  7. Crypt
  8. Spook
  9. Rascal
  10. Havoc
  11. Cackle
  12. Chaos
  13. Misfit
  14. Vex
  15. Plague
  16. Riot
  17. Phantom
  18. Toxic
  19. Sneak
  20. Lurk
  21. Rumor
  22. Skulk
  23. Freak
  24. Menace
  25. Nasty
  26. Mischief

Troll Names FAQs