450+ Ancient names that are cool and evil for Boys, Girls

Welcome to our extensive collection of ancient names! With over 400 unique and enchanting options spanning various cultures and historical periods, this compilation is a treasure trove for those seeking to give their child an extraordinary and timeless name. Delve into the rich tapestry of human history as we take you on a journey through ancient civilizations and unearth names that have stood the test of time.

From the majestic and regal names of ancient Egypt, such as Cleopatra and Ramses, to the bold and warrior-like names of ancient Greece, like Achilles and Athena, our list encompasses a wide range of influences. Whether you are a history buff, an aspiring writer in need of authentic character names, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty and significance of ancient names, you are sure to find inspiration within these pages.

One of the fascinating aspects of ancient names is their ability to bridge the gap between past and present. These names have witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the triumphs and tragedies of generations long gone, yet they continue to captivate our imagination even today. Each name carries its own story, reflecting the beliefs, traditions, and values of its cultural origin.

Whether you are drawn to the mysticism of ancient Egypt, the mythical tales of ancient Greece and Rome, the wisdom of ancient China, or the heroic legends of ancient Scandinavia, our collection offers a wide array of choices. We have carefully curated this list to encompass a diverse range of genders, meanings, and linguistic origins, allowing you to find the perfect name that resonates with your personal preferences and aspirations.

So, join us as we embark on this exciting journey and explore the ancient world through its names. Let these timeless appellations bestow upon your child a sense of connection to the past and a legacy that will endure for generations to come. Immerse yourself in the beauty and significance of ancient names, and may you find the perfect name that captures the essence of your child’s unique spirit.

Aesthetic Ancient names

  1. Aurelia
  2. Cassius
  3. Demetria
  4. Helena
  5. Gaius
  6. Octavia
  7. Lucius
  8. Valeria
  9. Seraphina
  10. Maximus
  11. Drusilla
  12. Aurelius
  13. Lavinia
  14. Tiberius
  15. Calpurnia
  16. Marcellus
  17. Laetitia
  18. Caelus
  19. Agrippina
  20. Lucilla
  21. Severus
  22. Antonina
  23. Priscus
  24. Juliana
  25. Marinus
  26. Ophelia
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Baddie Ancient names

  1. Acheron the Malevolent
  2. Belial the Cruel
  3. Calypso the Temptress
  4. Damocles the Harbinger
  5. Euryale the Siren
  6. Fenrir the Beast
  7. Gorgon the Enchantress
  8. Hades the Shadow
  9. Icarus the Fallen
  10. Juno the Vengeful
  11. Kronos the Devourer
  12. Lamia the Seductress
  13. Morpheus the Nightmare
  14. Nemesis the Avenger
  15. Odysseus the Deceiver
  16. Pandora the Destructor
  17. Quetzalcoatl the Serpent
  18. Ravana the Tyrant
  19. Stheno the Cursed
  20. Talos the Guardian
  21. Ursula the Sorceress
  22. Vladimir the Bloodthirsty
  23. Wraith the Soul Stealer
  24. Xerxes the Conqueror
  25. Yama the Reaper
  26. Zephyrus the Stormbringer

Best Ancient names

  1. Akhenaten
  2. Aphrodite
  3. Aristotle
  4. Cleopatra
  5. Demeter
  6. Gaius
  7. Hermes
  8. Isis
  9. Juno
  10. Lysander
  11. Merlin
  12. Neptune
  13. Olympia
  14. Persephone
  15. Quintus
  16. Rhea
  17. Sappho
  18. Themis
  19. Ulysses
  20. Venus
  21. Wolfgang
  22. Xanthe
  23. Yasmin
  24. Zephyr
  25. Æneas
  26. Ülfar

Catchy Ancient names

  1. Amaraeth
  2. Lythandra
  3. Azriketh
  4. Thalador
  5. Aurelion
  6. Xyvindor
  7. Danneth
  8. Virelia
  9. Kyraxis
  10. Sylandra
  11. Eldorin
  12. Zephyra
  13. Nyxara
  14. Gryphonor
  15. Sylvanus
  16. Valerian
  17. Zephyrus
  18. Rivena
  19. Felhrath
  20. Kyrenth
  21. Zyraeth
  22. Seraphina
  23. Rhydian
  24. Sylvaine
  25. Abraxis
  26. Thanael

Chill Ancient names

  1. Zephyrus〴
  2. Calista𓂀
  3. Serenity☯️
  4. Phoebe♛
  5. Artemis☽
  6. Apollo♞
  7. Aurora☀️
  8. Ambrosia☮
  9. Cassius✌
  10. Isadora۞
  11. Xanthe♡
  12. Icarus☄
  13. Clio♚
  14. Daphne✿
  15. Persephone✧
  16. Hermes𐂂
  17. Helios☼
  18. Ariadne✯
  19. Elysia✨
  20. Orion➳
  21. Thalia☾
  22. Achilles⚔
  23. Nyx☽
  24. Medusa♠
  25. Thanatos✝
  26. Eos☁️

Classy Ancient names

  1. Lucius Aurelius
  2. Claudia Valentina
  3. Maximus Octavius
  4. Aelia Cassia
  5. Julianus Antonius
  6. Valerius Constantine
  7. Livia Cornelia
  8. Hadrianus Valerius
  9. Agrippina Domitia
  10. Marcus Tiberius
  11. Laurentius Quintus
  12. Vibia Flavia
  13. Decimus Servius
  14. Petronia Aemilia
  15. Gaius Augustus
  16. Octavia Sabina
  17. Lucilla Faustina
  18. Cassius Marcellus
  19. Antonia Domitian
  20. Quintus Aurelia
  21. Claudius Severus
  22. Gratia Minerva
  23. Valentinus Aulus
  24. Sabina Pulcheria
  25. Nero Drusilla
  26. Pompeius Flaccus

Cool Ancient names

  1. Aurelius
  2. Lysandra
  3. Cassius
  4. Altair
  5. Isolde
  6. Maximus
  7. Pandora
  8. Gaius
  9. Calliope
  10. Valerius
  11. Athalia
  12. Nicodemus
  13. Xanthe
  14. Decimus
  15. Hermione
  16. Lucius
  17. Cleopatra
  18. Olympus
  19. Septimus
  20. Lyra
  21. Tiberius
  22. Andromeda
  23. Augustus
  24. Calypso
  25. Caelius
  26. Elysia
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Creative Ancient names

  1. Lyraeus
  2. Azarius
  3. Aureliana
  4. Calixtus
  5. Maelis
  6. Dahlia
  7. Cassius
  8. Elysia
  9. Seraphina
  10. Gideon
  11. Nyx
  12. Aurelius
  13. Saphira
  14. Valerius
  15. Fiora
  16. Lucius
  17. Octavia
  18. Ravenna
  19. Caelan
  20. Noctis
  21. Verena
  22. Lysander
  23. Ondine
  24. Draven
  25. Evangeline
  26. Sabrina

Creepy Ancient names

  1. Zephyrus Mortem
  2. Valeria Nocturna
  3. Lucius Obscurus
  4. Seraphina Morbida
  5. Oberon Venenum
  6. Amelia Tenebris
  7. Nero Somnium
  8. Isadora Skotos
  9. Maelstrom Abaddon
  10. Vespera Umbra
  11. Ajax Malum
  12. Cassius Ater
  13. Lydia Vespera
  14. Thaddeus Nihil
  15. Calypso Macabre
  16. Valerius Mortis
  17. Arabella Infernalis
  18. Orpheus Umbrosus
  19. Severus Sinistra
  20. Octavia Exanimis
  21. Phineas Atramentum
  22. Lilith Nox
  23. Lucian Veneficus
  24. Demetrius Obsidian
  25. Ravenna Sanguis
  26. Drusilla Mortalis

Cute Ancient names

  1. Amaraë
  2. Bryndís
  3. Caela
  4. Daciana
  5. Elysande
  6. Fenrisa
  7. Gwendolyn
  8. Hypatia
  9. Iolanthe
  10. Jasmine
  11. Kallisto
  12. Liliana
  13. Maevryn
  14. Nyxara
  15. Ophelia
  16. Persephone
  17. Quintessa
  18. Rowena
  19. Seraphina
  20. Thalia
  21. Ursulina
  22. Vespera
  23. Wisteria
  24. Xanthia
  25. Yseult
  26. Zephyrine

Edgy Ancient names

  1. Morpheus
  2. Lilith
  3. Ares
  4. Thalia
  5. Lucius
  6. Lyra
  7. Drakon
  8. Nyx
  9. Ophelia
  10. Thanatos
  11. Circe
  12. Erebos
  13. Seraphina
  14. Azrael
  15. Medusa
  16. Damian
  17. Cassandra
  18. Valerius
  19. Pandora
  20. Xander
  21. Sibylla
  22. Delilah
  23. Axel
  24. Ivy
  25. Odysseus
  26. Zephyr

Female Ancient names

  1. Aurelia
  2. Cassia
  3. Vibia
  4. Livia
  5. Octavia
  6. Antonia
  7. Flavia
  8. Julia
  9. Petronia
  10. Aelia
  11. Calpurnia
  12. Fabia
  13. Helena
  14. Quintia
  15. Claudia
  16. Gnaea
  17. Sabina
  18. Tiberia
  19. Lucilla
  20. Valeria
  21. Minerva
  22. Cornelia
  23. Poppaea
  24. Sulpicia
  25. Galena
  26. Laelia

Funny Ancient names

  1. Diaperius Maximus
  2. Giggleotitus the Wise
  3. Tickleus Hilarious
  4. Burpulonius Rex
  5. Snorticus Maximus
  6. Guffawton the Jester
  7. Chuckleworthus the Clever
  8. Yukkinius the Silly
  9. Bellylaughus the Hysteric
  10. Chortlius the Comical
  11. Smirkulon the Mischievous
  12. Laughendus the Absurd
  13. Snickerdoodle the Prankster
  14. Gigglepus the Clown
  15. Howleron the Hilarious
  16. Chucklenose the Ridiculous
  17. Grinzilla the Grinning
  18. Snickerfritz the Amusing
  19. Hootonius the Laugher
  20. Wheezebot the Chortler
  21. Chucklebee the Merrymaker
  22. Smilesworth the Witty
  23. Ha-Ha-Haerius the Giggling
  24. Whimsywhistle the Chuckler
  25. Gigglepants the Hilarious
  26. Laughingstockus the Fool

Gangster Ancient names

  1. Lucius The Blade Verus
  2. Maximus Scarface Decimus
  3. Aurelia The Viper Drusilla
  4. Tiberius The Gunman Augustus
  5. Valeria La Dolce Vitellia
  6. Marcus The Fist Cassius
  7. Octavia The Black Widow Flavia
  8. Gaius The Ghost Sertorius
  9. Antonia The Enforcer Liviana
  10. Severus The Snake Antonius
  11. Livia The Queen Juliana
  12. Decimus The Blade Atilius
  13. Claudia The Shadow Lentulus
  14. Aurelius The Hitman Dreius
  15. Julius The Joker Crassus
  16. Titus The Executioner Vespasianus
  17. Sextus The Butcher Domitian
  18. Petronius The Smuggler Nero
  19. Gnaeus The Outlaw Quinctius
  20. Aelia Femme Fatale Servilia
  21. Quintus The Renegade Marcellus
  22. Caligula The Mad Dog Gemellus
  23. Helena The Seductress Valeria
  24. Publius The Hammer Piso
  25. Vibia The Black Rose Galeria
  26. Gracchus The Banker Pullo
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Good Ancient names

  1. Amarael
  2. Caedmon
  3. Drystan
  4. Elysia
  5. Fenwyr
  6. Gwendolyn
  7. Hadriel
  8. Ithuriel
  9. Jezabel
  10. Kaelith
  11. Lilith
  12. Maelis
  13. Nephthys
  14. Ophelia
  15. Pyrrhus
  16. Quintessa
  17. Ravenna
  18. Solinia
  19. Taliesin
  20. Uriel
  21. Valerius
  22. Wisteria
  23. Xaelara
  24. Ysanne
  25. Zephyrus
  26. Zeraphine

Great Ancient names

  1. Aurelius
  2. Juliana
  3. Maximus
  4. Valeria
  5. Lucius
  6. Octavia
  7. Cassius
  8. Livia
  9. Antonius
  10. Marcella
  11. Tiberius
  12. Sabina
  13. Quintus
  14. Helena
  15. Augustus
  16. Drusilla
  17. Claudius
  18. Agrippina
  19. Caligula
  20. Camilla
  21. Vespasian
  22. Longinus
  23. Seneca
  24. Laelia
  25. Nero
  26. Crispus

Grunge Ancient names

  1. Sylthgrax
  2. Xyraxis
  3. Grimorwyn
  4. Malachim
  5. Thulgruve
  6. Lyraxion
  7. Argulath
  8. Dagrim
  9. Lyssandra
  10. Ryvix
  11. Nyxul
  12. Zarathos
  13. Vexxellis
  14. Draculith
  15. Nyktora
  16. Valrath
  17. Azraelis
  18. Morwyn
  19. Nyxia
  20. Kytan
  21. Elysia
  22. Mordrak
  23. Xypheris
  24. Azrath
  25. Lyriax
  26. Vraxar

Male Ancient names

  1. Tiberius
  2. Augustus
  3. Maximus
  4. Aurelius
  5. Cassius
  6. Lucius
  7. Gaius
  8. Nero
  9. Julius
  10. Marcus
  11. Antonius
  12. Valerius
  13. Sextus
  14. Octavius
  15. Constantine
  16. Hadrian
  17. Titus
  18. Severus
  19. Aquilius
  20. Lucian
  21. Flavius
  22. Olympus
  23. Antiochus
  24. Achilles
  25. Perseus
  26. Hector

Mythical Ancient names

  1. Aetheris
  2. Drakonis
  3. Mystara
  4. Xaelora
  5. Nyctara
  6. Phaenix
  7. Aquariah
  8. Celestia
  9. Sylphara
  10. Lunaris
  11. Veridian
  12. Thalassa
  13. Vespera
  14. Zephyra
  15. Chrysalis
  16. Valkyria
  17. Nyxara
  18. Helios
  19. Borealis
  20. Aurorah
  21. Draconis
  22. Phantomis
  23. Seraphina
  24. Elysia
  25. Kairos

New Ancient names

  1. Aphronêios
  2. Belisentîus
  3. Calyptophanes
  4. Damarîon
  5. Eirênênê
  6. Flaromethis
  7. Galanthiôn
  8. Helîosion
  9. Iphikratês
  10. Jasynthêus
  11. Kalêdrion
  12. Lykandromêde
  13. Marachrysos
  14. Nereosthenês
  15. Olorphius
  16. Phaïenippos
  17. Quartarius
  18. Rhosidênê
  19. Saphyrion
  20. Tereusius
  21. Uranodectês
  22. Vesperocles
  23. Xanthikathos
  24. Ypsilochrysos
  25. Zephyrion

One Word Ancient names

  1. Aphrodite
  2. Apollo
  3. Artemis
  4. Athena
  5. Hermes
  6. Zeus
  7. Hades
  8. Persephone
  9. Hera
  10. Dionysus
  11. Demeter
  12. Heracles
  13. Poseidon
  14. Hephaestus
  15. Orpheus
  16. Medusa
  17. Achilles
  18. Helen
  19. Pandora
  20. Odysseus
  21. Cassandra
  22. Perseus
  23. Ariadne
  24. Oedipus
  25. Sappho
  26. Atlas

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